How to find out the character of a person by handwriting? Let's take an example of handwriting. Handwriting analysis as a tool for psychodiagnostics Character analysis by handwriting with examples

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to recognize the character by handwriting. You will find out how to understand what a person is from the written text. You will know which criteria are taken into account when analyzing written proposals. Find out how to determine the temperament, personality traits, appearance and occupation of a person from his handwriting. You will find out what the signature can say.

Methods and characteristics

Graphological analysis allows you to learn a lot about a person, even what he himself did not think about. And this contributes to certain changes, personality adjustment. If a person is overly emotional, it is easy to recognize this by the way he writes. For example, letters in words are slanted to the right, written with a little pressure. This indicates susceptibility to phobias. The emergence of any experiences can unbalance.

You need to know that when writing, you can determine the character traits that have been characteristic of a person for a long time, in particular since childhood. If a person is in constant fear, then his handwriting will be twitchy, incomprehensible, uneven, indicating a weakness of character. If a person is fixated on his phobias, closed in himself, then the spelling will be compressed, while the letters are located next to each other. If there are large distances between them, then the person has no fears.

Determining the nature of the personality, much attention is paid to the text. Mental fears are characteristic of the owner of small handwriting. Such a person is afraid of people communicating, she has a secluded lifestyle, it is possible. If the handwriting is large, then the person is confident in himself, he is able to express his point of view, makes other people listen to his opinion.

If you pay special attention to the analysis of the letter, then you realize that graphology is not a pseudoscience. A person is able to independently analyze his handwriting. Even if it turns out that he does not have very good character traits, this will contribute to the ability to critically evaluate himself, to correct his character.

Let's take a closer look at what the handwriting says about the character of the subject according to the first method.

  1. What does the slope indicate? This criterion indicates the attitude towards people, as well as the level of emotionality of the owner of the handwriting. With a vertical arrangement of letters, a calm character and inflated self-esteem are observed. If slightly tilted to the right - a good-natured person, a soft temperament. There is a strong inclination to the right, then you have an impetuous nature in front of you, which is constantly in a tense state. The letters are tilted to the left - a selfish person. Slightly turned to the left side - touchy, vindictive personality.
  2. Consider pressure. This criterion indicates the emotions that prevail in a person. Strong pressure indicates an explosive character, constant experiences, weak pressure indicates weakness, susceptibility to other people's influence.
  3. Types of handwriting. Careless - observed among realists, who sometimes have a quick temper. Such persons quickly forgive insults, are fond of creativity, skeptics by nature. If there is a rough, careless handwriting, then its owner is a sociable and generous person, but he is rarely lucky in life, there is nervousness. Small handwriting, which is difficult to make out, is typical for shy people who find it difficult to overcome difficulties. Such persons have logical thinking, have talents, they are often unsociable, closed in themselves. Large handwriting is found in confident people, leaders. At the same time, they are characterized by gullibility.
  4. Distance between characters. When the letters are next to each other, they indicate a straightforward person with good intuition. Compact writing indicates the presence of an independent character. If there are few places in the text with gaps between letters, then this indicates the presence of spiritual harmony. If there are many gaps between the signs, then the person is dreamy, likes to attract attention to himself. If this distance is completely insignificant, then there is a friendly person in front of you, if the gaps are large, the person is afraid of new acquaintances.
  5. The angularity of the handwriting indicates a critical mindset, a desire to compete, proving one's worth. If the letters are rounded, then you have a hospitable person who has an amazing taste, as a rule, achieves his goals, while being quite selfish.
  6. The presence of curls. If they are present at the bottom of the letters and are small enough, then you have a person who quickly adapts to changes, does not like lies in relationships. If the curl is present on only one sign, there is love for the family, a strong rapprochement with relatives. If the curls are below and wide - this characterizes the person as purposeful, aimed at communication and material well-being. If the curl is below, but large enough, this indicates a lazy person who does not have any hobbies. If there is a large curl both from below and from above, then the person is quite freedom-loving.
  7. The presence of calligraphic handwriting indicates a neat, sensitive person who is a good family man. However, there may be self-doubt and a need for a listener.
  8. Pointed handwriting indicates a combination with intelligence, while there is indifference to people.
  9. Large handwriting indicates a proud person who wants to be in first place. At the same time, he can also be a romantic, quickly forget insults.
  10. Printed handwriting indicates low self-esteem, a painful perception of criticism.
  11. Changeable - for mood swings.

The second method is objective for subjects aged 25 to 45 - this is the period with the most stable psychophysical personality characteristics. For diagnosis, not one, but several sheets of paper with handwriting are examined. The fact is that on the first page a person, as a rule, writes constrainedly, on the subsequent ones she relaxes, the handwriting becomes more natural. The last pages are the most informative.

  1. Sheet appearance. If the owner is greedy, then the sheets will be dirty greasy. If kind, pedantic, then clean.
  2. Field inspection. Narrow ones indicate thrift, too tight - stinginess, wide - openness, too spacious - arrogance, the desire to be rich.
  3. Letter size. It must be borne in mind that as the same person ages, the size of the letters will increase, as vision deteriorates. If we consider the general characteristics, then small letters will indicate the isolation of character, medium ones - the norm, and large ones - leadership qualities and sociability.
  4. Characteristics of the capital letter. If it somehow stands out, then the author is not confident in his own abilities, is too susceptible to other people's influence, tries to attract attention to himself. If the capital letter is small, then there is internal stiffness.
  5. Pressure. The intensity of pressure indicates the presence of experiences in the subject, the stronger, the more of them.
  6. Strings. Wavy ones indicate variability of mood, deceit in actions; even - on a sober view of life, a sound assessment of one's own capabilities. If, when writing, the line rises up, then you have an optimist, if it slides down, then the owner of low self-esteem.
  7. Signature:
  • normal - indicates confidence;
  • with underlining - for resourcefulness;
  • curls - insight;
  • the presence of a frame - shyness, susceptibility to phobias;
  • crossed out - explosive character.

Appearance and occupation by handwriting

It turns out that holding a piece of paper with a written text in your hands, you can determine exactly how its owner looks.

  1. Low growth is indicated by elongated letters that seem sweeping. On high - unstretched letters that are written on the same level. On medium height - the compactness of the letters at the beginning of the line, at the end they become less frequent, while the last letters can go down below the line.
  2. Slimness is indicated by finely written signs, elongated letters. On completeness - uneven pressure on one or the symbol is not finished at all.
  3. Fair-haired people have illegible writing, medium-sized characters. Brunettes have a diligent removal of elements, lines can rise up.

The way the text is written can also reveal the intended occupation.

  1. Businessmen, as a rule, have sloppy handwriting, while pharmacists have uneven handwriting.
  2. For people associated with the philological sciences - galloping and jerky.
  3. Professors and individuals engaged in mental work have many strokes.
  4. For philosophers and poets, descending handwriting is characteristic.
  5. Engineers and mathematicians tend to write letters simply without slanting.
  6. Creative individuals - wavy handwriting.

Definition of personal qualities

The character of a person can be determined by handwriting, knowing what features, how they manifest themselves.

  1. Short temper. The letters and lines will go up, the hooks in the letters will go below the lines.
  2. Mind. There are decorative elements. There is practically no slope, the distance between words is the same, the average size of the letters.
  3. Equilibrium. The lines are even, the handwriting is beautiful, at first it may seem illegible.
  4. Sensitivity. The letters are unfinished, but not all, the pressure will be uneven, the pallor of the letters, a slight slope.
  5. Stupidity. There are incomprehensible hooks between words, the distance will vary, the pressure is uneven, the capital letters are not like the rest, the original ones, the letter looks pretentious.
  6. Coolness. Line writing will be uneven. However, the last word will definitely be in place. In this case, the letters will be neat with the distance between words different.
  7. Cruelty. Some letters have an underline, they look bold, rough, carefully spelled out.


Sometimes it is difficult to analyze handwriting, and there are also ambiguous results. In such situations, when researching, it is better to analyze the signature of the subject.

  1. The simpler it is, the more confident the subject is.
  2. The presence of squiggles, loops indicates observation and cunning.
  3. The presence of various elements - for originality.
  4. Curls and strokes indicate resourcefulness, ingenuity, the presence of a vivid imagination.
  5. Strikethrough signature - on the impulsiveness of character.
  6. The underlining of the signature indicates enterprise. At the same time, if the line goes to the beginning, then there is a selfish person who does not know how to trust anyone.
  7. The signature, which is in the center of the circle, indicates the shyness of the character.
  8. The coincidence of the first letter with the name of the owner of the signature indicates a healthy assessment of one's own capabilities, modesty of character.
  9. If the first letter of the signature stands out strongly, this is an indicator of ambition and narcissism, the inability to concentrate.
  10. Waves and zigzags - for a cheerful disposition.
  11. A caption that tends upward indicates optimism.
  12. Horizontal - on prudence and confidence.
  13. Going down - to isolation.
  14. The dot ending the signature indicates discipline.

Typical examples

You already know how to determine the character by handwriting, I bring to your attention samples of texts written by different people.

Example #1. The handwriting is typical for young women, stubbornness, capriciousness, focus on subjective feelings, and the ability to manipulate are noticeable.

Example #2. Handwriting demonstrates the ability to compromise.

Example #3. Belongs to an attentive person who is aware of her actions. There is good organization and clarity of thought.

Example number 4. The handwriting of a self-confident, energetic person.

Example number 5. Belongs to a person who does not listen to other people's opinions, stubborn and self-confident.

Photo 1 of 2

If you were unable to determine the character of a person by appearance, but this is very important and urgent for you, ask him to drop a couple of lines for you.

A serious, organized and purposeful person is likely to take a blank sheet of the usual format. If he is generous at the same time, then the sheet will be larger than the required format, while wide margins will certainly remain. And the message itself will be written in large, sweeping handwriting. However, such a handwriting has a downside - its owner may well be not only generous, but also wasteful.

In a kind, strong and thorough person, the letters are round, with clear straight vertical lines or slightly inclined to the right.

For an optimist and a merry fellow, the lines certainly rise up at the end. Such people adapt well to others and are easy to communicate with. If, at the same time, the text is written in an illegible, uneven handwriting, the letters are either small or large, they do not connect well with each other, and the slope changes all the time, then such a merry fellow has a continuous holiday all his life.

Cautious pedantic skeptics write in such a way that the lines will certainly slide down at the end. If at the same time the letters are small and the distance between the lines is small - these people are stingy, prudent and prefer not to draw attention to themselves.

Particularly petty, neat, punctual handwriting is not only small, but also beautiful, calligraphic. Its owners are distinguished by vindictiveness, envy. They are terribly demanding of their loved ones, they endlessly teach the lives of others and are always dissatisfied with everything. You have to be very careful with them, as their vindictiveness sometimes takes on unpredictable forms.

Stubborn, stubborn nature are people who write with a lot of hooks and knots. Such people strive not only to firmly hold on to a place or partner, but also to “tie” them to themselves. Be careful with such people: they don’t let anyone out of their hands just like that.

Active, independent people write in angular letters. They are loving, but absolutely not domestic and try not to become attached to anyone. They love freedom and always do as they please.

Attractive and sociable people write in a rather large ornate handwriting, with squiggles, expressive periods, commas and other signs. These heartthrobs know how to bewitch, outshine, set up networks that are extremely easy to fall into. They are quite gifted and artistic nature. But most of all, they love themselves. They need to demonstrate their adoration and love in every possible way.

Sensitive people write with light pressure. Everything that happens around them puts a lot of pressure on them. If at the same time the letters are written in the style of the last century, then you have a person prone to idealization, dreaminess, romanticism. In intimate relationships, they are shy, indecisive. Next to them, the partner should take the initiative, but very delicately and gently, so as not to cause even more embarrassment.

Often you can meet people with a "childish" handwriting. Nothing can ever be said about them in advance. One thing is certain: they often behave childishly directly.

The slope of the letters
Not too strong tilt to the right, indicates friendliness, warmth. Writers like this can keep their emotions in check, get along well with others, and are sincerely drawn to communication.

A strong tilt to the right shows a desire to flaunt your feelings. Such people tend to go to extremes: if they fall in love, then head over heels; if they don't like it, they hate it.

Leaning to the left indicates that the intellect is in control of the emotions.
The lack of tilt (vertical writing) indicates a balance between mind and heart.

If the line goes up - this is a sign of an optimistic nature, if it goes down - a sign of incorrigible pessimism.
If the line goes in a straight line, then such a person is difficult to upset with minor troubles.

Spaces and margins
If the lines overlap each other, this is a sample letter from a thrifty person.
If there are large spaces between words, it shows that the person is generous. The greater the distance between words, the stronger the tendency to waste.

He who writes in large letters, and at the same time the distance between words is very large, is prone to extremely impractical and even extravagant spending.

Wide margins on all sides of the sheet indicate a craving for exquisite items, a desire to spend money on acquiring rare and valuable things.

Angles and roundness
Rounded letters indicate that a person is prone to cooperation. He is satisfied with teamwork and expects initiative from others.
Angular letters are a sign of competitiveness, a desire for independence and a critical mind.

The combination of angular and rounded letters indicates the ability to charm people, tact, hospitality, good taste.

Light pressure is characteristic of sensitive people.
Strong pressure distinguishes people who are decisive, energetic, sociable. They are not shy, sociable, failures only “spur” them on.

Letter size
Restrained people, capable of concentration, write in small letters.
Small hard-to-read handwriting testifies to exceptional secrecy.

Large letters are a sign of expansiveness in actions and thoughts, unwillingness to obey.

Large handwriting with the original spelling of some letters indicates creative thinking, a tendency to dramatize what is happening and inattention to details. If at the same time the capital letters are graceful, this indicates the ability to command and attract people to oneself.

Temperament and handwriting
Sanguine temperament: handwriting broken, with sharp strokes, mobile and beautiful; curvilinear lines, fast letters.

Phlegmatic temperament: the handwriting is mostly bold, in places the letters thicken, and sometimes become thin; unequal spacing between letters.

Calligraphic letters, drawn and decorated.

Melancholic temperament: dancing, pale, drawn out letters. Wrapping words with a large distance, leaving margins jagged.

Choleric temperament: twisted, tangled strokes, unequal spacing between words; smeared letters with strong and original pressure, closed and
close; slope falling to the right.

National features of handwriting
Despite the fact that in almost every country in the Western world people write using the letters of the Latin alphabet, it is not difficult to see the differences in the spelling of letters used by people of different countries.

Spaniards typically capitalize in a flourish and swirls, which shows their proud and romantic nature.

The French write much smaller and their handwriting reflects a more logical approach to life.
Italian writing, with its simple small letters and graceful large letters, reflects a sense of rhythm and grace.

Russian emotional, sociable nature is reflected in a sweeping, large handwriting.
German handwriting is more angular and meticulous than that of other nations.

The British handwriting is restrained, simple, without flourishes and curlicues.

American handwriting is loose and sweeping. It is a combination of many national traditions, because in this young country the national handwriting style has not yet fully developed.

Of course, these handwriting features reflect only the most typical manifestations of national characters. People of the same nation write in different handwriting, reflecting their differences in personality.

Occupation and handwriting

Vertically inclined simple handwriting is characteristic of mathematicians, engineers and people with real knowledge (agronomists, architects, astronomers, naturalists).

Falling handwriting, flat and wide, is found in philosophers, dreamers, poets, thoughtful, serious people; inclined, wavy - from artists (watercolorists, sculptors).

Short letters written with gestures (strokes) indicate professors, doctors, in general, people of labor, both mental and physical. The health of these people is mostly poor. Such handwriting is also found among epileptics and, in general, among people with a deep, but vulnerable soul.

Jerky, jumping letters are characteristic of people who speak languages ​​(scientists, linguists, teachers, philologists).

Paying little attention to the shape of the letters, lawyers, statesmen and people with a good upbringing write.

Trying to give shape to letters, artisans, workers, scribes, as well as those who work specially with a needle, write.

Clumsy, vulgar letters characterize the handwriting of merchants, merchants, manufacturers, pharmacists.

Horizontal, elongated letters are found among students and in general among people striving for something, as well as among free-thinking people.

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It is important for each person to know and understand the other. Unfortunately, in the modern world it often happens that it is impossible to communicate directly with a person, and in these cases such a science as graphology is indispensable. A graphologist will be able, using only a person's handwriting, to learn everything about him, from his character to his occupation.

But, knowing a few key points, even a person who is not a specialist can recognize character traits and draw up a psychological portrait of another. That is why in today's article we will talk about this topic. We will study graphology and learn the important nuances of this area.

Briefly about the main thing or what is graphology

In all areas of life, it is simply necessary to know the person with whom you communicate, work or live. After all, how well you know another person is often directly related to the effectiveness of teamwork or other activities. And you can understand another only when you have drawn his psychological portrait.

And in those cases when you do not have the opportunity to acquire the information you need through physical contact, such a necessary and subtle science as graphology can help you.

Graphology is the science of handwriting and those methods that allow you to study the personal characteristics and mental state of the individual who wrote a specific text.

To date, there are a lot of books in which everyone can find information of interest to themselves. But here we will consider the most important points of this science so that you can independently study the handwriting of the person you need and understand his character and more.

So, first of all, graphologists assure that for an accurate analysis it is necessary to study more than one sheet written by the person whose handwriting you want to study.

Since the experts came to the conclusion that at the beginning of the letter a person writes unnaturally, and then slowly begins to “open up”, which is why the last pages are the most interesting for researchers.

In such a science as graphology, every little thing matters. For example, when a graphologist takes a sheet with an inscription for study, the first thing he starts to study is the sheet itself on which the person wrote. Since the experts came to the conclusion that the sheet itself will tell a lot of interesting things about the owner.

For example: if you see a white sheet in front of you with torn edges, traces of dirt, coffee, grease, etc., then most likely the person who wrote on it is a slob and a slob. In addition, it is likely that he is greedy, as he was stingy to change the sheet when it went bad.

And when you have a clean, large sheet of paper in front of you, then this is a sign that the owner of this paper is a generous and accurate person. But it may also indicate such a character trait as a tendency to wastefulness.

So when starting your research, do not lose sight of such an important trifle as a piece of paper.

Handwriting decoding or what to look for?

Studies have shown that graphology provides the most accurate information about a person in the range of 25-45 years. This is the age where, by studying handwriting, you can find out interesting information about a person.

Starting to study a person's handwriting, in order to identify personality traits, experts first of all take into account some key points. We will talk about them below:

  1. Letter size is the first important point in learning handwriting. The fact has already been proven that the size of letters in a person changes both with age and with a specific physical condition. For example, the older a person is, or if he is tired, tired, then his letters turn out to be larger. More often you can find medium-sized letters. And if you have handwriting with medium letters, then this does not indicate any specific character trait of the person who wrote it. In the case when a person has large letters, this may indicate that the person who wrote them has leadership qualities. Such a person is emotional and sociable. They can easily establish new connections, acquaintances.

    If you see handwriting where the letters are small, then this is a sure sign that the person who wrote them is a purposeful and reserved person. In some cases, this can also speak of such character traits in a person as secrecy and isolation.
  2. Margins - The second important nuance during the study of handwriting is the consideration of margins. If a person leaves narrow fields, then this indicates that he is frugal. In some cases, this is a sign of the pettiness of the writer. Remember, the narrower the fields, the more frugality is expressed in a person, and sometimes it can even reach stinginess. If a person leaves wide fields, then this indicates his generosity. However, do not get carried away, because if the margins are very wide, then this indicates the author's extravagance rather than his generosity. And if in a letter you see excessively wide margins, then the author may turn out to be a braggart and a vain person who strives for luxury.
  3. Pen pressure - this item speaks not only about the character of the author, but also about his emotional state while writing a text or letter. Everything is simple here: the stronger the author’s emotions, the stronger the pressure of the pen. Basically, workaholics and people who are very energetic have strong pressure. They are sociable, easily make new acquaintances, they are open. And when the pressure is light, the author prefers loneliness, calmness. Most of these people are romantics.
  4. Line direction - the next important phenomenon in the study of handwriting is the consideration of lines. Since the very direction of the lines can also tell a lot about the author. So, in people who are characterized by mood swings, adventures, deceit and resourcefulness, we often find “wavy” lines in letters. In the event that a person is reasonable and restrained, then they can observe straight lines, they write like a ruler. Such people have adequate self-esteem, they can soberly and honestly evaluate themselves and their skills. When the author's lines tend to go up, this indicates that he is an optimist.
    When the lines go down, then most likely the person who wrote it is a pessimist or a person with low self-esteem.
  5. Connectivity of letter elements - It is also important to study the connectivity of different elements in the text. This also gives important information about the author. The person who writes all the elements in a connected way is a straightforward person who is dominated by logical thinking. They are often enterprising and like to criticize. If you see a text where all the characters are written separately, then this may indicate that the writer has developed imaginative thinking. And in cases where 2-3 letters are connected, this indicates that the author is a balanced person.
  6. The form of the letter - it is also important to study the form of the letter. In the event that you see that the characters of the author are angular and sharp, then this is a sign that the person who wrote this text is an egoist. In the event that the characters are smooth and rounded, then the author is a compliant and pliable person. These are the most loyal individuals who find it very difficult to achieve their intentions.
  7. Writing slope - In graphology, it is also very important to study the writing slope. When the slope in the letter is weak and directed to the left, this indicates that the person who wrote it likes to criticize everyone. For such people, their interests always come first. In the event that the tilt to the left is very pronounced, then this author is stubborn, and has a tendency to consider himself the only correct one. But, most often, there is a slight slope of the letters to the right. However, this does not speak of any particularity of a person. This is just a feature of the school, because we are all taught to write like this. In the event that the slope of the letters is strongly to the right, then this indicates that the author is a strong and purposeful person. Such handwriting indicates that a person is jealous and he can fall in love very much. And in cases where there is no slope in the letter, this indicates that the person is stubborn. A person who writes like this is very good at thinking through his actions, assessing the situation and acting confidently and effectively.

These are the main points that are taken into account during the study of a person's handwriting. As everyone can see, learning handwriting is not that difficult.

It is also important to look at the capital letter. In the event that the author has it too decorated, this means that the writing person needs recognition and attention from others. This is a person who so badly wants to seek approval.

And when you see that the capital letter is small, this may indicate that the author is clamped.

Handwriting and personality traits

The science of graphology itself sees a connection between handwriting and personality traits of a person. So, according to handwriting, one can speak about the personal qualities of a person.

For example, if a person is quick-tempered, then his letters rise above the line, and the hooks of the last characters often fall below the lines.

In the event that a person is sensitive, then in his letter you can often find unfinished characters, uneven pressure, the presence of an inclination and pale letters.

The mind of the writer is evidenced by a slight or lack of inclination, their letters are without decorative elements, of medium size and rounded. The distance between words is the same.

And vice versa, the saturation of decorative elements in the letter, unusual hooks in symbols speaks about the stupidity of a person. Different spacing between words and uneven pressure. For such people, capital letters are of particular importance, which they write with special diligence and in a very original way.

In strong-willed people, symbols are connected with each other. The pressure is even. A small number of strokes and distinct letters. And the letter itself from such people is almost without "decorated".

In cold-blooded people, despite the fact that all the lines are uneven, the last word is always in its exact place. Their characters are always neat, and the distance between words is different.

Handwriting speaks of the cruelty of a person, where letters are often underlined. In cruel people, the letters are carefully written, hooked, flattened, and yet, despite all this, looking at their letter, there is a feeling of rudeness and fatness of the letters.

What can a person's signature say?

Both a letter and a signature can tell a lot about the author. Moreover, experts pay special attention to the signature. Below we will consider important points related to the signature and what individual details of the signature can say about the character of a person.

For example, if a person’s signature is ordinary, without unnecessary elements, then this indicates that the person is brave and self-confident.

When the signature has an underline, then such a person is enterprising.
If there are loops in the signature, then most likely the author is an observant person.

In those signatures, when the author crossed out his signature, this indicates his impulsiveness and activity.
When you see the circled caption, you can know that the author is a cowardly person, most likely an introvert.

Temperament and handwriting

Experts assure that there is a connection between handwriting and human temperament. Since each representative of a particular temperament has a characteristic type of writing.

Cholerics write with an inclination to the right. Their letters are wrapped and confusing. The pressure is strong, and the distance between individual words is not even.

Phlegmatic people in a letter can be recognized primarily by different letter spacing. And the symbols themselves for phlegmatic people are bold, but their thickness is variable.

Sanguine people in most cases are the owners of beautiful handwriting, although their letters are running, sweeping, and the lines are uneven.

Uneven fields are characteristic. Their letters dance and have strong strokes and dashes.


In fact, recognizing a person by handwriting is not so difficult. The main thing here is to know the important nuances, which we talked about above.

However, it is important to understand that it is impossible to unequivocally judge a person based on his handwriting. Since a person's handwriting changes under such factors as age, physiological and mental state, experience, and the like.

And when you define a person by handwriting, it is important to remember the fact that a person can have several qualities at the same time. So, do not rush to give up on someone based on what you learn by studying their handwriting.

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Handwriting is very different: compact, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless, and so on. Each person has a special, individual handwriting. As a rule, handwriting is formed from 10-11 years. But finally it develops by about 20 years. However, in some cases, handwriting changes throughout life.

The handwriting of a person is able to tell about his own owner. Scientists were able to prove that the character of a person and his handwriting are somehow connected. This will be discussed in our material.

How to determine the character of a person by handwriting: the influence of character on handwriting, the science of graphology

Graphology- a science that studies the dependence of handwriting on a person's character. Graphological analysis is carried out due to some parameters. An important role is played by the direction of each line, the peculiarity of writing a particular letter, the slope of the letters, being on the sheet, and so on.

Due to the combination of such parameters, the characteristics of an individual person are formed. If the analysis was carried out correctly, you can easily find out the growth of personality, the ability to have sexual preferences, and the tendency to drug addiction.

Currently, many companies use the services of professional graphologists. Thanks to them, the characteristics of people who are hired are compiled, plus an assessment is made of the features of competitors.

Don't be alarmed if during a job application you are offered a blank piece of paper, a simple pencil, and told to write a few arbitrary sentences. You cannot deceive a graphologist, but you can artificially distort your own handwriting. In return, you will receive a personal characteristic that may not be suitable for the position you have chosen.

What does the slope of the handwriting say about the character of a person: a description with examples

Handwriting characteristics can tell about the level of emotional reaction and about the degree of understanding of other people. It is very hard to find people who have perfect calligraphy.

But before you consider your own handwriting ugly, deal with its slope and the location of each letter:

  • If your letters are located strictly vertical, then you are considered a calm and calm person. You are often indifferent to other people.
  • If your letters are slight tilt to the right, then you gently react to the world around you. You are not particularly restrained, because before you show certain emotions, you first carefully consider everything.
  • Strong slant to the right says that you are constantly emotionally tense and impulsive.
  • Ate your letters while writing look left, then you are considered a cold person. You protect yourself from external stimuli as much as possible and often act selfishly towards other people.

How to find out the character of a person by letters and combination of letters: description with examples

  • If every letter in a document connected with each other, then you have a consistent, logical character. You are conservative in some views, have a difficult perception of everything that is new to you.
  • If in your handwriting moderate number of gaps between letters, then your thinking is considered sufficiently deep, plus adaptive. This indicates that you know how to bring the desired and the actual into harmony.
  • If in your handwriting too many gaps between letters, then you have a figurative-concrete thinking. Your actions are unpredictable, you are a dreamy person, strive to draw more attention to yourself and make the best impression on people.

  • If letter spacing is too large, then you are afraid to contact other people. Getting to know a certain person is difficult for you, but after you get close to him, he seems to be an interesting person.
  • Slight spacing between letters says that you are an open person. You like to let people get very close to you and love it when you have a lot of interlocutors with you.

What does handwriting say about a person's character?

Particular attention should be paid to the pressure of the letters in the handwriting. Remember that it is pressure that characterizes the real emotions of each person.

  • If you press hard when you write, then your emotions are constant and stable in any sensation.
  • If you write without putting too much pressure on your pen or pencil, then you are someone who can be easily influenced by people. You, as a rule, choose for yourself the area in which the manifestation of intelligence is required. You are a person receptive to people, and do not have deep feelings. They just don't know you.

What does sharp handwriting say about character?

If you have sharp letters, then you are an aggressive person. But at the same time, you are very observant, cunning and intellectually developed. But what you definitely lack is a good attitude towards the people who surround you. You are wary and distrustful of others.

You are also considered to be quite an educated person, intelligent and insightful. Remember that people whose letters are sharp are not at all interested in the point of view of other people.

If you belong to this category, you probably focus solely on your own needs. You do not like being taught and think that you are always right in everything.

What does sweeping handwriting say about character?

  • Sweeping handwriting, as a rule, belongs to those people in whom there are small notes of masculinity. If you have just such a handwriting, it means that you are a proud person, like to strive for self-government.
  • In addition, the sweeping letters indicate that you dream of being constantly in the lead roles, regardless of the industry.

IMPORTANT: Sweeping handwriting is typical of a romantic person who never notices the shortcomings of other people and constantly looks at the world through pink glasses.

In a word, you are a real strategist, you are prone to the global, you love to think systematically and are enterprising individuals. You cannot be angry with people for a long time and remember grievances, and also treat eccentrics, you have a tender heart and a vulnerable soul.

What does large handwriting say about character?

Handwriting with large letters, as a rule, occurs exclusively in sociable individuals who have inflated self-esteem.

  • you are considered leader and do not differ from other people by special modesty
  • You are an open, warm and confident person
  • Are you enough smart, but you have absolutely no tricks

  • You are not without responsiveness, generosity and kindness. Your main character traits are carelessness and kindness. In some situations, you are very gullible and do not always understand people.
  • You are sensitive, impractical and soft nature
  • Do you like people to pay attention to you?

What does small handwriting say about character?

Small as beads, handwriting will tell about the following character traits:

  • You are prudent, observant
  • You may have visual impairment
  • You have an analytical mindset, pedantic
  • You have a fairly high attention span, so you pay attention to all the details
  • You do not like hype and big companies, as you experience some difficulty when communicating with strangers
  • You do not often show your own character, only in exceptional situations.

Very often people with such handwriting shy natures. As a rule, small letters are characteristic of individuals who value their own inner world. The behavior of such people is interesting and at the same time familiar: modesty and restraint are their main character traits.

You can also say about such people that they are petty, cold-blooded, reserved and secretive. At the same time, such people are beautiful, smart and interesting during the conversation. In extreme and difficult situations, these individuals become even cruel and authoritarian leaders.

What does round handwriting say about character?

Now let's talk a little about those people who write round letters:

  • Most often, such handwriting is found in kind and cheerful people. Does it concern you? Then you are cunning and do not like intrigues. You treat people around you almost like a mother, with kindness and special understanding.
  • Round handwriting indicates that you love to constantly go through life with an open mind.
  • Round handwriting with straight and clear lines, located vertically or slightly inclined to the right, indicate that you are a thorough and strong person.

  • You do not like conflicts, constantly giving in during disputes. You easily meet people, make contact and communicate without problems.
  • Round pot-bellied handwriting refers to those individuals who fit perfectly into any work team. You are even somewhat considered a "vest" for those who want to cry.

What does handwriting say about character?

As a rule, when filling out some forms and documents, people write in block letters. But there are individuals who write in such handwriting all the time. Any printed letter looks neat, in some cases perfect. But what does this method of writing say?

So, if you prefer to write in printed handwriting, your letters tend to be neat and aesthetically pleasing. Most likely, you write letters with an inclination and separately. Many people may even think that you write like a computer font. Often, with the help of such handwriting, documents and postcards are filled out.

  • But if in your handwriting there are only printed letters, this indicates that you have notes of productivity in your character.
  • Of course, your psychological character depends on some factors, for example, how you form your own handwriting, press while writing, distribute text on paper, and so on.

  • In general, you have well-developed self-control. You like to carefully monitor your own behavior, how you talk and show emotions. Therefore, you are considered a sincere person.
  • Sometimes you even lack spontaneity, as you think over and calculate your every step.
  • Perhaps you are constantly accompanied by a “mask” with which you want to draw attention to yourself. You are dependent on the assessments of other people, you do not like being criticized and take it painfully.

In some situations, there are people who have low self-esteem, with a bunch of complexes, anxiety, and the need for protection. Note that such people have perfectionism, that is, what prevents them from being a truly happy person.

What does incomprehensible, illegible, bad handwriting say about character?

Incomprehensible, illegible and poor handwriting, which resembles scribbles, speaks volumes. You have exactly this handwriting, so you:

  • Unbalanced, irascible person
  • As a rule, you like to stick to one or another daily routine.
  • You can get up very early in the morning and go to bed late, for example, at 12 o'clock at night
  • Difficulty pushing yourself into certain limits

  • At work, you often conflict with other employees, quarrel and scandal
  • Are you the type of person that is difficult to get along with?
  • There is truth in such handwriting, a big plus - you are considered a genius. Know that many famous geniuses had just such a handwriting

What does different, diverse handwriting say about character?

For many people, this feature indicates that they have temporary, minor changes that were triggered by certain factors. Remember that variability in handwriting is different. Consider what kind of character traits you have, having such a handwriting:

  • You often feel uncomfortable in certain situations. Sometimes you use a different style of writing letters, which automatically fits into the whole process. Perhaps you have too high self-esteem, or maybe you, on the contrary, are not confident in yourself. You are a hidden person, even unreliable.
  • If you have a different, heterogeneous handwriting spontaneously, then you are an open person, free and never feel the need. You just live, do not bother over trifles. In a severe stressful situation, your handwriting changes, but such distinctive features will be insignificant. It will be immediately clear that this handwriting is yours.

What does beautiful handwriting say about your character?

As a rule, beautiful handwriting is very similar to fancy drawings. If your handwriting is written very carefully, letter by letter, as if written by a professional, with curls and precise lines, then you are exactly the person for whom family comes first.

  • You are the perfect family man.
  • You are a sensitive nature, distinguished by accuracy.
  • You are characterized by willpower and calmness.
  • With all the positive qualities of your own character, you are not considered a strong person. You lack independence and purpose.

  • You constantly need good support, a person who can listen to you and understand you at any moment.
  • You have a calm and even life, you never experience ups and downs.
  • At work, you are respected and loved by other employees because you are submissive and efficient.

What does curly handwriting say about character?

Curls are present during writing in many letters. Consider the most common options for their use.

  • Curls at the bottom of the letters are small. You have independent thinking. You like to look for something simpler for yourself. Do not like lies and falsehood, appreciate other people for what they were able to achieve. You are resourceful in new things, you can adapt to a situation that has suddenly changed.
  • A narrow curl at the bottom of the letter. This sign indicates that you have a sharp mind, you strive for spiritual values. Love the family and the hearth, try to keep only the circle of your friends and relatives.

  • A wide curl at the bottom of the letter. You are an aspiring nature, you are focused on satisfying your own material needs and emotions. You also love being noticed by others.
  • Disproportionate curl at the bottom of the letter. Never get attached to the case, do not like it at all.
  • A disproportionate curl of a small size at the bottom and top of the letter. You are independent, limiting yourself to very few whenever possible.

What does angular handwriting say about character?

Angular handwriting indicates the following traits of a person's character:

  • If you have angular handwriting, then you like to compete, strive for independence and have a critical mind.

IMPORTANT: If your handwriting combines angular and round letters, then you know how to charm the people around you, you are a hospitable person and have good taste. If you still press hard on the pen while writing, then you like to be subordinate both at home and at work.

  • You adore independence, always fulfill your own desires.
  • One single minus of the character of a person with an angular handwriting is selfishness. You are independent, therefore, do not tolerate if someone tells you what to do.

What does handwriting say about character?

If you decide to define your own character, be sure to pay attention to the fusion of letters:

  • If you write all the letters connected, then you are a straightforward person. You predominate in logical thinking. Perhaps you are adventurous and can easily criticize people.
  • Your intuition is perfectly developed.
  • If you write all the letters together and at the same time like to underline them, then you are a dutiful person.
  • You always carefully carry out the work that you are assigned. In your personal life, you are lucky, however, if you decide to break off a relationship, you never change your mind.
  • You have a well developed mindset.
  • If you like to write cohesively and compactly at the same time, then you are exactly the kind of person who does not like it when strangers try to enter her life. Finding the key to your heart is very difficult.

What does clumsy handwriting say about character?

Nowadays, exquisite and beautiful handwriting is a rarity. But clumsy handwriting is quite common. Do you belong to this group of people? Then study your own character.

  • If you have a disorganized, clumsy and very small handwriting, you are an indecisive and timid person. You immediately retreat if certain difficulties arise in front of you.
  • If you have very sloppy handwriting that is difficult to decipher, then you are indecisive, unbalanced, while you are neat and can think well logically.

  • You are a very talented person, you have some abilities.
  • Is your handwriting difficult to read? Then you like to hide something from people.
  • You also do not care about your own speech and how you behave in a circle of friends and acquaintances.

What does crooked handwriting say about character?

Crooked handwriting is mostly present in thinkers who have a pronounced emotional load. If you write in crooked letters, then you are emotionally unstable, sloppy.

You have low self-esteem, and for some reason you are often unbalanced. Not infrequently, such handwriting evokes associations with creativity, and may even be a sign of great eccentricity. Many people claim that such handwriting is inherent in very smart people.

What does ugly handwriting say about your character?

Ugly handwriting is found, as a rule, in men. But it is not always the case.

  • Do you have bad handwriting? Then you are a generous person, but at the same time short-sighted. You are constantly in a hurry somewhere, often making mistakes or getting into ridiculous, difficult situations.
  • You are a great friend and comrade. You love laughter, fun. Come to the aid of those who ask you for help.
  • You are an active person, inquisitive, have a cheerful character.
  • Ugly handwriting also indicates that you are energetic, carefree and nervous at the same time.
  • You prefer independence.

What does sloppy handwriting say about your character?

Sloppy handwriting, almost like the previous version. Basically, those people who write quickly write inaccurately. If you also write quickly and sloppy, then it is worth highlighting the following character traits:

  • You are a serene person, trying to be guided only by real events.
  • You love random luck, work purely on inspiration.
  • You have an emotional foreboding, and you are also skeptical about the future.
  • You are a sharp, and sometimes even very hot-tempered person.

What does straight, non-sloping handwriting say about character?

Vertical handwriting to some extent even looks unnatural. Do you write with absolutely no slant? Then learn a little about your own temper.

  • You are rational and emotional. You calmly analyze every situation and weigh everything before making a decision.
  • You are a thoughtful person, keep complete control over yourself, restrained
  • You are a narcissistic person, you are not at all interested in people's opinions

  • There is a balance in your character between your heart and your mind.
  • Also, direct handwriting indicates that you are soberly looking at all things, in a word, you are a realist

What does left-sloping handwriting say about character?

Most people write with an inclination to the right when writing, but there are those who write the other way around - to the left. If this is about you, then you have the following type of character:

  • You are outwardly hiding behind a "mask" of impregnability. You are cold emotionally.
  • If you have a slight tilt to the left side, then you are a courageous nature. During the adoption of important issues, you are guided only by your own mind.
  • Your letters are tilted strongly to the left, then you are a touchy person, vindictive, constantly dissatisfied with yourself and people. You are a melancholic, you often have a bad mood.
  • You are proud, you have almost no inclination for art.

Determination of character by handwriting: test

We suggest you take a short test and determine what kind of handwriting you have.

  • Quickly write a sentence in 8 words
  • Write the same sentence again, but very slowly
  • draw a small animal
  • Without hesitation, draw a geometric figure on a piece of paper
  • Draw a road with a direction arrow

First, compare the first and second text. If they are very similar, then you easily react to a change in circumstances. If they are different, then your mood often changes.

  • round letters they say that you easily compromise. Angular letters- they say that you are rude and have strength of character.
  • On the image of the animal, pay special attention to the details: bows, mustaches. They tend to talk about infantilism.
  • If a geometric figure has corners then you are not satisfied with your own fulfillment of desires. Round figures characterized by developed willpower and the ability to bring things to the end.

Video: Determining the character of a person by handwriting

Everyone invents a signature for himself, no one is limited by any rules and laws. But still, in graphic improvisations, their author is subject to certain patterns that reflect the properties of his nature, which makes it possible to draw up a fairly accurate portrait of him.

Pay attention to where the end of the signature is directed: up, straight or down. If up, then this suggests that optimism prevails in the character of a person, he is full of energy and strives to achieve his goal. If such a person has disappointments and depressions in his life, then he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new forces, desires, ideas. Often - this is a type of personality with a creative bias.

If the end of the signature is directed directly- this indicates a balance of manifestations optimism and pessimism. An important role is played by the influence of the environment.

If the end of the signature is directed down- then in this case a person is more prone to a state of pessimism, which quite significantly suppresses his creative activity. Such people either lack faith, or it is very weak, in addition, there may be a decrease in will, weak resistance to alcohol, susceptibility to diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, liver and gastrointestinal tract.


If signature long- then this characterizes a person as thorough, not loving haste, haste, able to delve deeply into the essence of the matter, persistent, rather stubborn, assiduous, but at the same time somewhat picky, boring. Such a person should pay attention to the function of the nervous system and kidneys.

If signature short, then this is a sign of a person’s haste, the desire to quickly grasp the essence, a superficial attitude to the matter, since there is not enough patience for a deeper and more detailed analysis; such a person is less capable of monotonous, long work, requiring constant attention, and he does not really like slow people.
As for health, the nervous and cardiovascular systems can be labile.

Note. In the latter case, you should definitely find out if the person also has another signature, since often bank employees, doctors, cashiers, as well as people in those professions in which you often have to sign, often have two signatures; one, as it were, official, and the other - for affixing on various documents, as a rule, shorter - in order to save space and time. Consequently, certain professions also influence the signature, often contributing to its shortening.


Before analyzing the signature according to this criterion, you should mentally divide the signature in half.
The first half of the signature is associated with the beginning of any activity - mental or physical and it can be used to judge how a person starts a business. At the same time, the first half of the signature characterizes the intellectual or mental sphere of a person, while the second half of the signature shows the attitude towards practical (physical) activities and indicates how the person finishes the job.
Who a person is - a theorist or a practitioner - can be determined based on the load of the first and second half of the signature.
If at the beginning of the signature are two or even three capital letters, in the absence of large formations in the second half, then it can be safely assumed that a person prefers mental work. Such signatures usually have leaders of various ranks.

At measured load of the first part ( minimum of capital letters, their low amplitude) indicates a propensity for applied activities. Often people whose signature contains these characteristics are employees and public figures by profession.

Conversely, if there is large formations in the second part of the signature, it can be argued that practical activity is attractive for such a person.


If capital letter in signature significantly different in amplitude. from lowercase then man im who bears such a signature is capricious, he has increased demands on others.

If it is in amplitude slightly different from lowercase letters, then the owner of the signature is modest, without any special claims to people.

small letters characterize a rational, economical and concrete person, speak of the ability to concentrate the mind, but very small letters indicate that their owner is prone to selfishness and stinginess.

Large letters(as in children) characterize a dreamy, somewhat naive, impractical, trusting, often overly kind person. But large letters can also mean a desire for independence, freedom of activity. People with this characteristic should pay attention to the spleen and liver.


Kind, gentle, calm people write round letters,

but quick-tempered, sharp, intolerant, irritable angular. Angular letters speak of a desire for independence, a critical mind, stubbornness, aggressiveness, a tendency to self-affirmation, leadership, ambition.

On this basis, you can determine how relationships with such a person can develop. IN depending on whether there are more rounded shapes at the beginning or at the end of the signature, you can tell in which case a person behaves softer. At the beginning of a relationship or later.

For example, the signature in the figure on the right indicates that the owner of this signature is more likely to be correct at the beginning of a relationship.


If all letters in signature interconnected, then we can talk about the consistent, logical nature of this person, his mental activity, as well as some conservatism in his views, a rather complex perception of everything new.

Thinking is more flexible and adaptive if the signature is found moderate amount of breaks between letters, which also indicates the ability to harmonize the desired and the actual.

An excessive number of gaps testifies to figurative-specific thinking, unpredictability of actions, daydreaming, the desire to attract attention to oneself, to impress others.


A person's self-confidence can be judged for confidence and firmness with which he subscribes.
An insecure person is also easy to guess by his signature.


If a person is boastful and tries to embellish his virtues, then this is easily detected in his signature, since it also embellished: various curls, ribbons and friend and similar formations. And the more of them, the more superficial, insincere in a person.

A simple person has a signature simple, humble.
But various decorations can be found quite often among people with a rich imagination - artists, artists, musicians.

For persons with a logical mindset - mathematicians, physicists, the signature is often like " naked”, that is, the letters that they use in their signature seem to have lost some parts. It also speaks of the concreteness of thinking. If such letters are also little connected with each other, then this indicates the illogicality, vanity, short-sightedness of thinking.


Signature compact, compressed usually have "tacticians", that is, those whose mind is occupied with specific activities.

Against, sweeping the signature is more likely to have "strategists" - those who think globally, combinatorially, systematically. As a rule, these are major leaders and public figures.


On this basis, you can determine the degree of generosity of a person: if the distance between the letters significant- then this is a generous person, and at the extreme degree of manifestation of a sign - a spender.

If letters in signature run into each other, then this indicates frugality and even stinginess.

According to the letter spacing, you can even find out in which period a person is more generous, and also in which area his generosity is predominantly manifested - intellectual or material - it depends on which part of the signature the distance between letters is greater - at its beginning or at the end.


They talk about the physical strength of a person bold lines of letters, blots(this is especially noticeable when using an ink pen), the large sagging of the paper, strong pressure when writing is evidence that the owner of this signature is an extrovert.

thinning in the form of a hair line of letters and even, as it were, line failure on some
some areas are inherent in introverts, that is, people whose mind is directed inward. Such people, if they are engaged in social activities, then it is given to them very easily, but through a struggle with their inner self.
If the pressure is even, moderate, then this indicates balance, thoughtfulness of actions, self-control.

Rough, impulsive pressure testifies to impulsiveness, emotionality, impressionability, inability to systematic work.

Thick, oily pressure characterizes people with the development of sensual drives, with a craving for material well-being.

If the thickness of the pressure changes, it is clearly visible transition from thin lines to bold, then this speaks of sexual inclinations, rich imagination, emotionality, lability of the nervous and vascular systems, inconsistency.

And finally very weak, sometimes uneven pressure occurs in persons who are insecure, hesitant, prone to torment themselves, doubting, in people with an unbalanced psyche, neurasthenia.


Those who emphasizes your signature from below- proud, interested in the opinions of others about themselves, touchy.

People who have a signature lined at the top, conceited, proud and striving for great achievements.

But by the length of the “tails” at the end of the signature, one can judge the degree of a person’s reaction to attempts by others to interfere in his affairs. The longer the ponytails T
I eat more intolerant of its "owner" to various kinds of orders, decrees and comments addressed to him. Such a tail also indicates caution, prudence.

If the person crosses out his signature, this testifies to his dissatisfaction with himself, self-criticism, a doubting, hesitant nature. Such people may be prone to neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, peptic ulcer, and also more easily succumb to various vices (smoking, alcohol, etc.).


If in the signature there are formations resembling vertical lines, then it means, as it were, a barrier, a slowdown, a brake on mental or physical activity. In this case, you should pay attention to which part of the signature these verticals are located.

The presence of vertical formations at the beginning signature indicates the paucity of imagination, insufficient intellectual and creative activity.

If the "vertical" occurs approximately in the middle signature - this indicates a delay, slowness in the transition from an idea to its implementation, and if at the end signatures - about the difficulty in completing cases (such a person needs external control and appropriate incentives).

If present in the signature pronounced vertical formations, the medical diagnosis should be aimed at identifying problems of the urogenital area.


Irregularity, galloping» The letters in the signature are evidence of emotionality, incontinence, and in extreme degrees of manifestation of a sign - uncontrollability and imbalance. Such people are often prone to vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, and thyroid diseases.

If signature smooth, written as if on a ruler, then in this case we can talk about restraint, self-control, rationality. In this case, you should pay attention to the state of the nervous system, kidneys and spleen.


If a person is secretive and independent by nature, then often his signature is as if circles. A lesser degree of expression of such qualities is characterized by the presence in the signature smaller loops.
People with similar elements in their signatures try to find a job where they would be free, independent, not subordinate to anyone. It is precisely about such people that they say: “A cat that walks by itself be" and "On my own mind." Eyelets are also an indicator of stubbornness, willfulness, caution, "fixation" on any ideas, problems.

It should be taken into account: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the signature there are loops and, in accordance with this, draw final conclusions. Also, the signature, in which the letters go almost into a straight line, speaks of the secretive nature of a person.


The dot is a positive sign. Its presence in the signature indicates discipline and a tendency to complete what was planned.

If dot at the end of the signature, then this speaks of the desire of a person to complete the work begun. The presence of a point is also one of the performance indicators.

The desire of a person to obtain comprehensive information before he begins to implement his plan is characterized by dot at the beginning of the signature.


The more complex, loaded”signature, the more clearly can be traced the ability of a person to create problems for himself, which is called “making an elephant out of a fly”. Often such a signature is found in psychosthenics.

Vice versa, the easier signature - the less problems a person lives - he seeks to simplify his life.


Identical, repeating elements
in the signature, characterize the tendency of the individual to a greater or lesser degree of obsession in thoughts and actions, a habit that is difficult to eradicate. At the same time, this sign also speaks of perseverance, the ability to more easily endure monotonous work.

As for health, attention should be paid to the state of the nervous system: neuroses are possible, in particular, neurosis of obsessive-compulsive disorders. There may also be a tendency to increase blood pressure.


If signature clear And you can read the letters that make it up, then we can safely say that the owner of such a signature is not selfish, since he subconsciously seeks to be understood by others. Often clear signatures are found in teachers, teaching
bodies. From a medical point of view, people with such a signature may be susceptible to diseases such as psychosthenia, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.

If signature illegible, then this characterizes a person as selfish, caring little about whether others understand him or not, and also not very accurate.
Such people may suffer from diseases of the eyes, nerves, liver and gallbladder, as well as stomach ulcers.


If a person uses in his signature foreign font(meaning that instead of the Cyrillic alphabet, the signature is made in Latin, Arabic, hieroglyphs, etc.), this may mean that either he is a fan of everything foreign (this is more common for young people), or he wants to stand out, or he is characterized by independence in his views and judgments.


This means that individuals whose handwriting or signature close to pattern- have little initiative, their thoughts and judgments are stereotyped. People with such a signature should pay attention to the function of the liver, gallbladder and spleen.

The brighter and more convex differences appear in writing, especially the creative person in front of us, striving to bring variety to life. With confidence, we can talk about the romanticism of the owner of such a signature. In health, attention should be paid to the state of the psycho-emotional sphere.


The simpler the signature, the easier a person lives and thinks. Often, simple, ingenuous people instead of a signature write an abbreviated or even full name, they do not have enough imagination to somehow modify their signature, embellish it. Such people are less emotional.

Hence, the more whimsical the signature- the more difficult the nature of a person, but also the greater the susceptibility to cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric diseases.


In order to correctly draw conclusions on this basis, it is necessary to directly observe the moment of writing the signature. If a man signs quickly without hesitation, then this may indicate a professional habit (for example, among cashiers); be an indicator of increased excitability of an unfavorable choleric temperament, the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
According to the figure, such a signature is similar to a signature characterized by writing confidence (see criterion 7).


Straight slope characterizes a person direct, restrained, consistent, having self-control, and sometimes stubborn. This indicator is also evidence of the dominant influence of the mind.

Right inclined the signature speaks of the balance of a person’s character traits, of his ability to understand other people, to compromise. (In this case, of course, other factors should be taken into account.) Too inclined, almost lying letters are a pathological phenomenon.

If the signature is overturned to the left 125 ° against the direction of movement, then this is most often due to a discrepancy between personal the natural inclinations and inclinations of a person with the conditions of life, and also indicates waywardness, stubbornness, exactingness, distrust, and sometimes secrecy and insincerity.

If the slope of the letters in the signature is of different types, then this is due to contrast, capriciousness, instability of feelings, impetuosity, affectivity, incontinence, and scattered aspirations. With such people, one should be careful in business and relationships.


Characterizes the degree of giftedness of the individual, the development of intelligence and culture. Individual letters in such a signature may sometimes seem ugly, they may contain irregularities, kinks, but they form one harmonious whole.


It often happens that the same person has a signature either careful or careless. This characterizes a person with a pronounced selective attitude towards others. If someone is of interest to such a person, then he will try to show it in the signature, try to show himself from the best side, and if not, then treat his signature carelessly. In terms of health, you should pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, as well as the thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder.


The signature is one of the factors that reflect the inner world of a person, therefore, with a change in the internal state, the growth of spiritual consciousness and other changes in a person’s life, his signature also changes. If a man degrades, then the signature also degrades if a person being improved, then the signature changes accordingly.

The signature may also change and in connection with the marriage of a woman, which reflects the real changes that have taken place in her emotional, social, personal and other areas.


If an individual, having written some part of the signature, returns back with some line, or something else completes, then this suggests that the owner of such a signature, having done some work, is inclined to return to its beginning, analyze what has been achieved, which means that he has a desire to bring something new, modify, supplement what has been done, that is, there is a state of dissatisfaction, a constant desire improvement.

The wavy lines in the signature characterize a person who is flexible, diplomatic, able to compromise, easily adapt to various living conditions. More often, these are sanguine, less often - phlegmatic. Such people are less likely to complain of illness.


The evenness of the lines of the line,
the uniformity of the intervals between the letters, the uniformity of pressure and the amplitude of the inscription are signs of the geometric consistency of the signature.

Such a signature characterizes the degree of a person’s volitional development, his mental consistency, efficiency, thoughtfulness of actions, stability of feelings, certainty and immutability of attitudes both to individual phenomena and to everything in the surrounding life. Opposite characteristics of the signature will indicate the opposite.

If the amplitude increases, then this suggests that a person, as it were, gradually develops activity from start to finish.

If signature amplitude is even- this characterizes a person whose working capacity remains at a stable level from the beginning to the end of activity, attention is stable, interest in what is happening, both in work and in personal life, is constant.

If the beginning of the signature large, and then gradually decreases or turns into a wavy line, then this speaks of some secrecy of a person, but also of his refinement, diplomacy.

Symmetrical elements in the signature, for example, two horizontal or vertical strokes (=, //) are an indicator of a person's stable character, harmony, balance of human qualities, and the ability to compromise. People who have the above elements in their signatures love reliability in everything, they strive to insure themselves in their activities. In terms of health, such people should pay attention to the state of the genitourinary apparatus, the respiratory and nervous systems, as well as the function of the spleen.


The presence of such an element as a digital addition speaks of a suspicious, distrustful nature, characterized by a critical mind and caution. It may also indicate a tendency to neuropsychiatric diseases.