Accounting account 001. Accounting on off-balance accounts of NFA objects

Organizations daily face situations when it is not possible to reflect property on balance sheets. In accounting, off-balance accounts are used to reflect transactions with values ​​that are not objects of balance sheet accounting. It should be noted that information for off-balance accounting, as well as for balance accounting, is reflected in the statements (certificate on off-balance accounts f.050730, f.0503130 and f. misrepresent reporting.

How off-balance accounts work

Instruction 157n provides for thirty-one off-balance accounts. We remind you that the accounting entity has the right to use additional off-balance accounts. To use additional accounts, they should be included in the working chart of accounts and approved when forming the Accounting Policy.

The movement on off-balance accounts is reflected as follows - an increase in the values ​​of the account is taken into account for the debit, and a decrease for the credit, since all accounts are active. Recording on accounts, unlike balance sheets, is simple; a corresponding account is not needed to generate a posting.

The main business situations in which an institution, in accordance with applicable law, needs to make entries on off-balance accounts.

Lease of non-financial assets

Prior to the entry into force of the amendment to Instruction 157n dated March 31, 2018, accounting for both leased property and property received for gratuitous use was kept on account 01 “Property received for use”. In the latest version of Instruction 157n, the purpose of account 01 is interpreted differently: “The account is intended for accounting for property received by the institution for use, which is not a lease object.” These changes are related to the introduction of account 111.40 “Rights to use non-financial assets”, which currently records the rights to use non-financial assets in accordance with the terms of lease agreements.

It is important to take into account the differences in accounting on accounts 01 and 111.40:

1. Account 01 accounted for each individual object of non-financial assets with an inventory number assigned by the balance holder and specified in the acceptance certificate. In this case, the assessment of the accounting object was carried out at its cost indicated by the balance holder. In the absence of a valuation of objects, accounting in a conditional valuation is allowed - 1 object = 1 ruble.

2. On account 111.40, the cost of rent is taken into account, and not the cost of the object itself. To reflect in the accounting changes in the legislation on lease transactions made in the inter-settlement period, the following actions should be performed:

  • accept for accounting on account 111.40 in correspondence with 401.30 the sum expression of the cost of rent for property received on lease (the operation is formalized by an accounting statement);
  • write off the balance from account 01 in relation to the leased property.
It is important to note that under the new rules, if a lease agreement is concluded in relation to individual objects of non-financial assets, then there is no need to reflect them on account 01. However, if a property complex, including various equipment, is leased out, the total amount of the contract will be indicated in the lease agreement without a breakdown by objects. In this case, in order to ensure the safety of property and conduct an inventory, it is recommended that individual objects of non-financial assets still be taken into account on account 01.

For reflection in the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8" ed. 2.0, the property received on lease is provided for by the document " Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets, intangible assets, intangible assets» with a specialized type of operation « Receipt to the account 01.02».

The document must indicate:

  • data on the MOL responsible for the non-financial asset;
  • information about the landlord and the lease agreement;
  • information about the asset itself.

Obtaining non-exclusive rights to use software products

Consider the reflection of non-exclusive rights to use the results of intellectual activity in the accounting of the institution. In accordance with clause 66 of Instruction 157n, intangible assets received for use by an institution (licensee) are subject to accounting on off-balance sheet account 01 “Property received for use” at a cost determined based on the amount of remuneration established in the agreement.

For accounting in the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8", ed. 2.0. non-exclusive rights to use software products, the document “Acceptance of OS objects (except buildings and structures) (OS-1) (Order 173-n)” with the type of operation “Receipt to account 101 (102, 103), 01, 02” is provided.

Form of the document "Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets (except for buildings and structures) (OS-1) (Order 173-n)"

In the document, you must fill in information about the organization, the deliverer and the recipient, data about the object, account and inventory number, as well as the place of storage.

On the tab " Depreciation» Specify the amount of depreciation transferred, the depreciation parameters, and the cost account used by the institution. As a result of the document, the institution receives an increase in turnover in the debit of account 01.31 “Other movable property in use under contracts for gratuitous use” indicating the amount of the non-exclusive right to use the software product.

Accounting for property transferred for use

The transfer of property for use involves two options - transfer for paid use (lease) using account 25 “Property transferred for paid use (lease)” and transfer for free use with account 26 “Property transferred for free use”. If the accounting operations on account 01, given above, are reflected in the receiving party, then accounts 25 and 26 are used by the transferring party.

In accordance with the current version of Instruction No. 157n, accounts 25 and 26 are now also intended for accounting for operating leases, which imply the transfer of objects of non-financial assets for gratuitous use with the maintenance of property by the user. Accounting for operating leases is regulated by clause 24 of the Federal Accounting Standard for Public Sector Organizations “Lease”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016 No. 258, which consists in the fact that the transfer of an operating lease accounting object to a user is reflected as an internal movement of an object of fixed assets without reflecting his departure. In parallel with this, the receipt of property transferred for use to the off-balance account is reflected.

As a result of the transfer of an object of a non-financial asset for use, an entry must be made in the Inventory card (form 0504031) about the transfer of an object (part of an object) for use to another legal entity. At the same time, the manager or a person authorized by him, who accepted the object (part of the object) for use, is appointed responsible for the safety of the transferred valuables.

Acceptance for accounting of objects of non-financial assets is carried out on the basis of an acceptance certificate at the cost indicated in it.

If in the previous version of the program for accounting for transactions on the transfer of non-financial objects for use only accounting transactions were provided, then in "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8", ed. 2.0, for this, standard documents for the transfer of OS objects, intangible assets, intangible assets are provided. Documents for recording information on the described situations provide for the types of operations " Transfer of fixed assets, intangible assets, intangible assets for rent (25)" And " Transfer of fixed assets, intangible assets, intangible assets for free use (26)».

Form of the document "Transfer of fixed assets, intangible assets, intangible assets"

It is necessary to fill in information about the current MOT, MOT and the counterparty of the recipient, as well as the agreement on the basis of which the transfer is made. On the "Fixed Assets" tab, all information about the non-financial asset object is filled in automatically.

Based on the posted document, the following posting is generated:

  • Dt 101.11.310 Kt 101.11.310 - change of the materially responsible person;
  • Dt 25.11 (26.11) - reflection of the transfer of the NFA object for rent / gratuitous use.
After the end of the agreement on the use of property, in order to record the return of the object of non-financial assets in accounting, it is necessary to create a document “Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets intangible assets, intangible assets” with the type of operations “Termination of the lease agreement (25)” or “Termination of the gratuitous use agreement (26)”, during which the internal transfer of the fixed asset and the closing of the off-balance account for the use of property will be formalized.

It should be noted that the change in accounting and the introduction of new UPSBU accounts in accordance with Instruction No. 157n has been implemented since release However, users who conduct transactions may encounter a service message stating that the account validity period does not match the transaction date. In this case, on the desktop of the program, go to the legislation changes tab in the "Applicable revisions of the Chart of Accounts", create a new record and indicate from which date the institution applies the new revision of the Chart of Accounts.

Creating an entry with the date of transition to the new accounting rules

Materials, budget release

What applies to fixed assets in accounting and tax accounting, we told in ours and noted that accounting for fixed assets is kept on account 01 “Fixed assets”. We will tell you more about the accounting account used for accounting of fixed assets in this material.

Fixed asset account 01

Account 01 "Fixed assets" is an active synthetic account, which summarizes information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (OS) of the organization. Account 01 is used regardless of whether such fixed assets are in operation, in stock, on conservation, on lease or in trust ().

The object of fixed assets is accepted for accounting in the debit of account 01 in the amount of the initial cost. If the fixed asset object is owned by two or more organizations, it is reflected in the accounting by each owner in the corresponding share.

In order to keep records of the retirement of fixed assets to account 01, it is recommended to open a sub-account "Disposal of fixed assets" (01/B). The initial (replacement) cost of the asset is written off to the debit of this subaccount, and the amount of depreciation accumulated at the time of disposal is credited. The residual value of the retiring object is written off to the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

As for the analytical accounting of fixed assets, it is carried out for individual inventory objects of the OS. Recall that the OS inventory object is (clause 6 PBU 6/01):

  • or an object with all fixtures and fittings;
  • or a separate structurally separate item designed to perform certain independent functions;
  • or a separate complex of structurally articulated objects that are a single whole and designed to perform a specific job.

Analytical accounting of fixed assets should be built in such a way that it makes it possible to obtain data on the availability and movement of fixed assets for the preparation of financial statements (by location of fixed assets, their types, etc.).

Typical accounting entries for account 01

Here are some accounting entries for the debit and credit of account 01, provided for by the Chart of Accounts and Instructions for its application (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

Operation Account debit Account credit
An object of fixed assets accepted for accounting 01 08 "Investments in non-current assets"
The initial (replacement) cost of the retired fixed asset object was written off 01/B 01
Returned OS object from organization branch 01 79 "Intra-economic settlements"
Reflected the receipt of a contribution in the form of fixed assets under a simple partnership agreement 01 80 "Contributions of comrades"
The primary additional assessment of the OS object is reflected 01 83 "Additional capital"
Written off depreciation on a retired item of fixed assets 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" 01/B
Reflected animals culled from the main herd 11 "Animals for rearing and fattening" 01
A claim against the supplier of fixed assets was reflected in connection with an arithmetic error found in the documents of the supplier, as a result of which the cost of fixed assets was overstated 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" 01
The fixed asset object was transferred to a separate division that keeps records on an independent balance sheet 79 01
The object of fixed assets was returned upon termination of the simple partnership agreement 80 01
Reflected depreciation of the fixed asset within the limits of the previously made revaluation credited to the additional capital of the organization 83 01
Written off the residual value of the sold object of fixed assets 91 01/B
Reflected the shortage of fixed assets found during the inventory 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" 01/B

Enterprises in the context of their cost and places of operation. Each movement of an asset is recorded and reflected in accounting documents. Amounts for fixed assets must be shown in the balance sheet.

Account characteristics 01

An object can be recognized as a fixed asset provided that:

  • it is supposed to be used in production;
  • period of use - more than a year;
  • the object will bring economic benefits;
  • it's not going to be resold.

Account 01 is designed to account for assets with a value of 40 thousand rubles or more, items with a lower price are classified as inventories and written off as expenses immediately. Account 01 in accounting is active, and in the Chart of Accounts is in the section of non-current assets. In debit turnovers are shown:

  • receipt of fixed assets;
  • increase in the value of the asset.

In credit turnover indicate the disposal of objects or their markdown. Account 01 involves the reflection of the value of assets at their original cost, excluding VAT. The initial cost may reflect not only the purchase price, but also the amounts paid for delivery, assembly, installation, customs fees.

Sub-accounts to account 01 "Fixed assets"

Each type of object has its own sub-account. Which account has 01 sub-accounts:

  • 01.1 - assets related to production fixed assets are shown;
  • account 01.2 is intended for other production facilities;
  • 01.3 for non-production facilities;
  • 01.4, taking into account livestock;
  • 01.5 applies to perennial plantations;
  • 01.6 is related to land plots and objects of nature management;
  • 01.7, taking into account assets with non-inventory properties;
  • 01.8 to account for inventory with household items;
  • 01.9 for leased fixed assets;
  • 01.10 to reflect the cost of other assets;
  • 01.11 when registering the disposal of a fixed asset.

It is important to distinguish between the purpose of the asset, since account 01.01 "Fixed assets" reflects only those objects that are used in the production process for the main activity of the enterprise.

Analytical accounting on account 01

Account 01.01 in accounting and other sub-accounts require the maintenance of inventory cards. The document reflects the assets in the context of their location, depreciation groups. Account card 01, a sample of which is presented in the unified form OS-06, is entered and maintained for each asset separately, including leased objects. The main information is entered from the acceptance certificates and technical documentation. If there are precious metals in the accounting object, the mass of these metals must be indicated.

For the purposes of analytical accounting, a standard account card 01 can be used, a sample of which is available in any accounting program. It reflects the balance at the beginning of the period, debit and credit turnover, the withdrawn balance at the end of the selected time interval.

The balance sheet for account 01 is needed to correctly calculate the amount of income tax and determine the base for property tax. In the first option, the focus is on the amount of depreciation and the proceeds from the sale of the asset. In the second case, the specifics of the formation of the residual value of each object are taken into account.

The balance sheet for account 01, the sample filling of which assumes the presence of only debit balances at the beginning and end of the reporting period, can be formed separately for each object or in the context of groups of assets. For the convergence of tax and accounting data, it is recommended to use the classification of fixed assets depending on the period of their operation.

Typical postings on account 01

Correspondence D01 - K08 is used to reflect the receipt of a new fixed asset. The costs associated with the acquisition of an asset, its bringing to a working condition and the allocation of VAT amounts will be reflected in the debit of account 08, after which account 01 can correspond with K08.

The depreciation of fixed assets is reflected in posting D91.02 - K01, the revaluation involves the creation of correspondence between D01 and K83.

In the case of the sale of a fixed asset, it is necessary to form its residual value. If the residual value is higher than the selling price, the transaction is considered unprofitable, if the value of the residual value is lower than the sales income, the transaction will bring profit. Postings on account 01 "Fixed assets" will look like this:

  1. D62 - K91 for the amount of the transaction for the sale of property.
  2. D91 - K68 in the amount of VAT on the object being sold.
  3. D02 - K01 when forming the residual value by writing off depreciation.
  4. D91 - K01 to reflect the fact of writing off the residual value of the sold property.

Account 01: example postings

Within a month, the enterprise upgraded the existing production equipment in the amount of 7,000 rubles. and purchased new fixed assets to increase production volumes in the amount of 90,000 rubles, excluding VAT. The cost of delivery of new assets amounted to 2500 rubles. Postings on account 01:

  • D01 - K08 in the amount of modernization carried out for 7000 rubles.
  • D08 - K60 in the amount of the value of the new asset received for 90,000 rubles.
  • D08 - K60 to reflect the costs of delivery of purchased equipment in the amount of 2500 rubles.
  • D01 - K08 when accepting a new object for accounting at a cost of 92,500 rubles. (90 000+2500).

Acquired new machines, equipment and vehicles are included in fixed assets at the cost of acquisition, minus the cost of spare parts, spare tires, tools that came with them, which come from the debit of sub-account 10-6 "Spare parts", sub-accounts 10-11 " Inventory and household supplies" or sub-accounts 01-8 "Inventory and household supplies", if the useful life is more than 12 months.

Cattle of all types, grown in the organization and purchased (pedigree, improved, etc.), are transferred to the main herd in the amount of actual costs for growing or purchasing, including delivery costs.

Young plantings are included in the composition of fixed assets in the amount of actually incurred costs for their laying. In subsequent years, until plantings are put into operation, growing costs are added to their cost, including the costs of replenishment, cleaning and maintenance. When plantings are put into operation, their cost (in analytical accounting) is transferred from the account "Young plantations" to the account "Plantings in operation" in the order of the accounting entry for sub-account 01-5 "Perennial plantings".

The initial cost of fixed assets is not subject to change, except for cases of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, partial liquidation and revaluation of fixed assets.

The acceptance of fixed assets for accounting, as well as the change in their initial cost upon delivery, additional equipment and reconstruction, is reflected in the debit of account 01 of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets".

The initial cost of fixed assets will also change after the overhaul, if the main components and parts are replaced during the overhaul. At the same time, the cost of old components and parts is written off (the initial cost is reduced), and the cost of the overhaul is debited to account 01 "Fixed assets" in correspondence with the credit of account 83 "Additional capital".

The organization may not more than once a year (at the beginning of the reporting year) revaluate groups of homogeneous fixed assets at the current (replacement) cost by indexing or direct recalculation at documented market prices.

When deciding on the revaluation of such fixed assets, it should be taken into account that they are subsequently revalued regularly so that the cost of fixed assets at which they are reflected in accounting and reporting does not differ significantly from the current (replacement) cost.

The amount of the revaluation of the fixed asset as a result of the revaluation is credited to the additional capital of the organization, while for production facilities - to the credit of subaccount 83-2 "Increase in the value of non-current assets due to revaluation", and for fixed assets of social purposes - to the credit of subaccount 83- 4 "Capital invested in the social sphere". The amount of the revaluation of the fixed asset, equal to the amount of its depreciation carried out in previous reporting periods and charged to account 91 "Other income and expenses" as operating expenses, is credited to subaccount 91-1 as operating income.

The amount of depreciation of an object of fixed assets as a result of revaluation is included in the reduction of the additional capital of the organization, formed at the expense of the amounts of revaluation of this object, carried out in previous reporting periods. The excess of the amount of the writedown of the object over the amount of its revaluation, credited to the additional capital of the organization as a result of the revaluation carried out in previous reporting periods, is included in the debit of subaccount 91-2 as an operating expense.

Upon disposal of an item of fixed assets, the amount of its revaluation is transferred from the organization's additional capital to the organization's retained earnings (account 83 "Additional capital" is debited in correspondence with the credit of account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)").

If, under the terms of the leasing agreement, the leased property is accounted for on the balance sheet of the lessee, then the value of the leased property is charged to the debit of account 01-10 "Fixed assets received under leasing and rent" in correspondence with the credit of account 08-4 "Acquisition of fixed assets".

If fixed assets were built or acquired on equity participations and are owned by two or more organizations, i.e. belonging to them on the right of common ownership, and the objects cannot be divided (indivisible things) or are not subject to division by virtue of law, then the cost of such fixed assets is reflected by each organization participating in shared ownership on account 01 "Fixed assets" in the appropriate share. In this case, the share of each organization participating in shared ownership is established by agreement of all participants. If the shares of participants in shared ownership cannot be determined on the basis of the law and are not established by agreement of all its participants, then they are considered equal.

An assessment of an item of fixed assets, the value of which upon acquisition is expressed in foreign currency, is made in rubles by recalculating the amount in foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective on the date of acceptance of the item for accounting.

The cost of an item of fixed assets that is disposed of or is not permanently used for the production of products, performance of work and provision of services, or for the management needs of the organization, is subject to write-off from accounting.

Disposal of an object of fixed assets takes place in cases of sale, gratuitous transfer, write-off in case of moral and physical depreciation, liquidation in case of accidents, natural disasters and other emergencies, transfer in the form of a contribution to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations.

If a fixed asset is written off as a result of its sale, then the proceeds from the sale are accepted for accounting in the amount agreed by the parties in the contract.

Incomes and expenses from write-offs of fixed assets from the accounting records are reflected in the accounting records in the reporting period to which they relate. Income and expenses from writing off fixed assets from accounting are subject to crediting to account 91 "Other income and expenses" as operating income and expenses.

The fixed assets of the organization transferred free of charge are written off after receiving a written confirmation of the receiving party about the capitalization of the objects accepted by it. Fixed assets provided to other organizations for temporary use from account 01 "Fixed assets" are not written off, but are recorded on the off-balance account 011 "Fixed assets leased out".

To account for the disposal of fixed assets (sales, write-offs, partial liquidation, transfers free of charge, etc.), a subaccount "Retirement of fixed assets" is opened to account 01 "Fixed assets". The cost of the retiring object is transferred to the debit of this sub-account, and the amount of accumulated depreciation is transferred to the credit. At the end of the disposal procedure, the residual value of the object is written off from account 01 "Fixed assets" to account 91 "Other income and expenses".

When productive cattle are culled from the main herd and put on fattening, their book value is debited from account 01 to the debit of account 11 "Animals for growing and fattening", and when they are slaughtered without putting on fattening - to the debit of sub-account 20-3 "Industrial production".

Young perennial plantations that died as a result of natural disasters are written off at their cost at the beginning of the year, with the addition of the costs of growing the current year until the moment of death, to the debit of account 99 "Profit and Loss", subaccount "Extraordinary expenses". If they were insured, then the insurance compensation is credited to account 99 "Profits and losses", sub-account "Extraordinary income" in correspondence with the debit of sub-account 76-1 "Settlements for property and personal insurance".

In cases of shortage or damage to fixed assets, their residual value is attributed from the credit of account 01-11 "Disposal of fixed assets" to the debit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" with subsequent attribution to the debit of sub-account 73-2 "Calculations for compensation for material damage" in correspondence with the credit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" - within the balance sheet value - and account 98-4 "The difference between the amount to be recovered from the perpetrators and the book value for shortages of valuables." If the specific culprits of the shortage or damage are not established, then the amounts recorded on account 94 are attributed to account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Fixed assets allocated by the organization to its branches, production units that are on separate balance sheets included in the balance sheet of the organization's main activities, are taken into account by the units that received these fixed assets from the credit of subaccount 79-1 "Settlements for allocated property", and the head organizations write off fixed assets to the debit of this account. The organization maintains analytical accounting for sub-account 79-1 separately for each division allocated to a separate balance sheet.

Purchased fixed assets that were in operation, subject to payment by installments, are recorded at the cost of acquisition, as well as delivery and installation costs (minus reimbursable taxes) in the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets" in correspondence with the credit of account 08 "Investments into non-current assets. The cost of fixed assets that were in operation, purchased in installments, is debited to account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" in correspondence with the credit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", subaccount 9 "Settlements for other transactions".

When selling fixed assets to different organizations in installments, the amount due is reflected on the credit of subaccount 91-1 "Other income" in correspondence with the debit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers". As funds are received in payment, they are taken into account in the debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" and the credit of account 62.

In case of gratuitous transfer of fixed assets, the result of their disposal, identified on subaccount 01-11 "Disposal of fixed assets", is written off to subaccount 91-2 "Other expenses". This sub-account also includes the costs associated with the gratuitous transfer of fixed assets.

01-1 "Industrial fixed assets of the main activity (except for livestock, perennial plantations, inventory, land plots and nature management facilities)";

01-2 "Other production fixed assets";

01-3 "Non-production fixed assets";

01-4 "Working and productive livestock";

01-5 "Perennial plantations";

01-6 "Land plots and nature management facilities";

01-7 "Objects of a non-inventory nature";

01-8 "Inventory and household supplies";

01-9 "Fixed assets received under leasing and rent";

01-10 "Other items of fixed assets";

01-11 "Retirement of fixed assets".

On sub-account 01-1 "Industrial fixed assets of the main activity (except for livestock, plantations, inventory, land plots and nature management facilities)" take into account the presence and movement of industrial fixed assets of the main activity, that is, funds that are associated with the production of products, works and services , which are the main purpose of the organization's activities in accordance with the constituent documents.

Research and production organizations that are on an independent balance sheet on this sub-account take into account the cost of existing fixed assets.

On sub-account 01-2 "Other production fixed assets" take into account the presence and movement of fixed assets of other industries and industries, services, etc., which, by their purpose, are not directly related to the main activities of the organization.

On sub-account 01-3 "Non-production fixed assets" take into account the availability and movement of fixed assets for servicing the social sphere of the organization's activities: housing and communal services and consumer services for the population; educational organizations, etc.

Sub-account 01-4 "Working and productive livestock" takes into account the presence and movement of all types of adult working and productive livestock, reflected in fixed assets.

On the sub-account 01-5 "Perennial plantations" take into account the presence and movement of all types of young and put into operation perennial plantations, including forest belts. Young and put into operation perennial plantings are taken into account by types and years of planting. The object of accounting is the planting area (hectare). The costs of caring for perennial plantations in operation do not increase their value, but are included in the cost of the products obtained from these plantations. Depreciation for young (not taken into operation) perennial plantations is not charged.

On sub-account 01-6 "Land plots and objects of nature management" take into account the presence and movement of land plots, forest and water lands, mineral deposits transferred to the organization in ownership, as well as acquired for a fee in accordance with applicable law. These fixed assets are not depreciated.

On sub-account 01-7 "Non-inventory objects" take into account the presence and movement of non-inventory capital investments in land plots, forest and water lands, subsoil provided to organizations for use. Investments in own land and other lands, accounted for as fixed assets, after their completion, are added to the inventory value of the object.

On subaccount 01-8 "Inventory and household supplies" take into account the presence and movement of inventory and household supplies with a useful life of more than 12 months.

On sub-account 01-9 "Fixed assets received under leasing and for rent", leased property is taken into account if, under a leasing agreement, the property is listed on the lessee's balance sheet. Also, this sub-account takes into account long-term leased fixed assets, if, under the terms of the agreement, they are reflected on the balance sheet of the lessee. Fixed assets leased on other terms are recorded on the off-balance account 001 "Leased fixed assets".

On sub-account 01-10 "Other fixed assets" take into account the presence and movement of other fixed assets, not named above.

On sub-account 01-11 "Retirement of fixed assets" reflect the disposal of fixed assets. This sub-account is used in relation to the disposal of a depreciable item of fixed assets. The debit of this subaccount reflects the initial (replacement) cost of fixed assets (the debit of subaccount 01-11 "Disposal of fixed assets" in correspondence with the credit of subaccounts 01-1, 01-2, 01-3, 01-4, 01-5, 01- 7, 01-8, 01-9, 01-10) and expenses associated with the disposal of fixed assets (dismantling of equipment, dismantling of buildings and structures). The credit of this sub-account reflects the amount of accumulated depreciation on retired fixed assets in correspondence with the debit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", as well as material assets received during the liquidation of objects (materials, scrap, scrap) in correspondence with the debit of account 10 "Materials" . The balance of this sub-account is transferred to account 91 "Other profits and losses" on a monthly basis.

Analytical accounting on account 01 "Fixed assets" is carried out on inventory cards at their location, by groups and individual fixed assets in accordance with the classification of fixed assets adopted by Decree of the State Standard of Russia of December 26, 1994 N 359. At the same time, analytical accounting should provide the necessary data on the availability and movement of fixed assets in the country and abroad, as well as for the preparation of financial statements. For fixed assets containing precious metals, the inventory cards must indicate the mass of these metals.



N p / p

Corresponding account

By account debit

Transfer of fixed assets within the organization (value of objects without moving costs)

Account 01 of accounting is an active account "Fixed assets", reflects information about fixed assets (OS) of the organization, their value and movement. The account belongs to the non-current assets section of the approved Chart of Accounts.

The fixed assets of the enterprise are the tangible assets of the enterprise used in economic activities and transferring their value to the cost of production.

Objects of fixed assets

OS includes:

  • production equipment and machines;
  • buildings and constructions;
  • roads;
  • transmission networks (heating networks, power networks, etc.);
  • means of transport;
  • power machines and equipment;
  • various inventory and tools;
  • working and breeding stock;
  • other OS.

In addition, fixed assets include capital investments in leased fixed assets, land improvement, and land plots themselves. Fixed assets, as non-current assets, participate in the production process as a means, not an object.

Conditions for recognizing an object as a fixed asset

To recognize an OS object, the following conditions must be present simultaneously:

  1. purpose - use in the production activities of the organization;
  2. estimated STI over 12 months;
  3. prospective economic benefits;
  4. not intended for resale.

OS worth less than 40,000 rubles. can be taken into account as part of the inventory and immediately written off as expenses.

Account 01 in accounting

The asset accounting account is active, its structure is displayed in the form of a table:

In a typical variant, synthetic account 01 provides sub-accounts for breakdown by type of fixed assets.

To reflect the disposal, a sub-account for the disposal of fixed assets is also often opened, to which the initial and written-off cost is collected, and the write-off is posted from this account. If the disposal account is not used, then postings Dt 02 - Kt 01 occur.

For the correctness of analytical accounting, a breakdown by objects is carried out. Items in an account are valued at their original value, which may include shipping costs, fees and charges, etc.

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If the fixed asset object belongs to several organizations, then in the accounting of each of them its value is reflected in proportion to the share of ownership.

Main correspondence account 01

Typical correspondence of fixed assets accounting accounts are presented in the table:

OS upgrade

The modernization of fixed assets is the transformation of the operating system, which led to the improvement of its characteristics.

An increase in the cost of fixed assets due to the modernization or reconstruction of an object is reflected in standard wiring:

Increase in value after revaluation:

Dt ct Operation description
01 83 Revaluation amount

OS depreciation

Depreciation of fixed assets in accounting is called the gradual transfer of their value to the cost of production.

  • land;
  • objects of nature management;
  • cattle;
  • non-production objects of housing stock;
  • forestry, road economy;
  • external landscaping.

If the repair lasts more than one year, and the conservation of objects - more than three months, then depreciation is suspended.

In the balance sheet, fixed assets are reflected at residual value: initial cost minus accumulated depreciation. Non-depreciable property is reflected in the balance sheet at historical cost.

The start of depreciation is from the month following the date of commissioning. Termination of accrual - next month after the full write-off of the cost.

After the book value of fixed assets becomes equal to zero, the asset is not reflected in the balance sheet.

Examples of accounting entries for account 01 "Fixed assets"

Example 1. Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets

In April 2016, Karuna LLC purchased from the OS supplier the value under the contract of 110,000 rubles, excluding VAT. Delivery services - 10,000 rubles. The term of the PI OS is 36 months, the depreciation method is linear. The OS will be used in the main production activities.

To reflect the acquisition and accounting of fixed assets, Karuna's accountant makes the following entries in April:

The monthly depreciation amount will be: 120,000 / 36 = 3,333 rubles)

May depreciation:

Example 2: Upgrading the OS

Fortuna LLC in September 2014 put into operation a fixed asset worth 960,000 rubles, the SPI is set for 5 years, depreciation is accrued on a straight-line basis. In December 2016, the organization is upgrading the facility in the amount of 96,000 rubles. As a result of the modernization, the SPI increased by 1 year.

Let's do the calculations:

  • monthly depreciation: 960,000 / (12*5) = 16,000 rubles;
  • the amount of accumulated depreciation until December 2016: 16,000 * 27 (months) = 432,000 rubles.
  • residual value at the date of modernization: 960,000 - 432,000 \u003d 528,000 rubles.

OS upgrade postings:

  • residual value of fixed assets will be 528,000 + 96,000 = 624,000 rubles;
  • the new SPI is: 6*12 = 72 months;
  • remaining term: 72 - 27 = 45 months;
  • the amount of monthly depreciation: 624,000 / 45 = 13,867 rubles.

Reflection of depreciation in January 2017.