Psychological type of human behavior kangaroo. Psychotype of personality: classification and description


HYSTEROID- this is an upstart for whom it is important to be in the spotlight. This type receives energy for life from the outside, by receiving emotions from others. At best, emotions of admiration, but if this is tight, then any emotions will suit him. In case of ignoring, he achieves his “doping” with hysteria, hence the definition of this type.

Many other psychotypes build in and educate this quality in themselves, because the hysterical model of behavior attracts more attention, fans, and social significance to the individual.

The appearance of the hysteroid

  1. Brightness, contrast with others. He wants to be different from everyone else.
  2. Plasticity - easy, relaxed gait, flexibility of the hands, ease.

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the hysteroid

  1. He always lives up to his role. Instantly grasps what role you need to get used to, and instantly turns out to be who you need.
  2. Often replays, being overly fond of the game. Sometimes he instantly goes out of character, as soon as the need to shine with his acting talent disappears.
  3. Flirtatious, constantly flirting, showing off, shining, able to keep up a conversation on any topic, but does not have deep knowledge. Therefore, when you need to delve into the topic, he prefers to change the audience so as not to be considered stupid.

Thinking and speech of the hysteroid

  1. Easily suggestible, overly emotional. On emotions, it is easy to catch him and persuade him to cooperate. This is exactly the “find for a spy” that the proverb refers to.
  2. A lot of "I", he is not able to talk about someone other than himself. Constantly draws attention to himself, his beloved.
  3. Good imagery of thinking, great imagination. He talks about nothing.
  4. The erudition is extensive, but not deep. In no case should you be an accountant or other responsible employee.
  5. Unusually artistic, always in different images. All for the sake of attracting more attention (energy).

Communication and behavior of the hysteroid

  1. Superficiality - it is easier to change the flock than to delve deeper into the topic of conversation.
  2. The ability to interest
  3. Great manipulative abilities
  4. He loves gifts, although he can coquettishly state that gifts are not important to him. For this type, gifts are more important than for a representative of any other psychological type.
  5. Brawler, starts with half a turn.


3. Show business figure

5. Seller. Variety and attention from others is very important.


No. 2. epileptoid psychotype

epileptoid- prone to seizures, to a state of passion, irritable. Aimed at the preservation of information, their own well-being. Achieves this by putting things in order everywhere and controlling.

For him, the routine, sleep, food, sex on a schedule is very important. Anyone who brings discord into his life is an enemy. This psychotype can be compared with a balloon that is constantly inflated and is about to burst. It is important for him to constantly deflate in order to avoid an explosion.

An individual of this category is greedy for representatives of the opposite sex to satisfy natural physiological needs, loves food because it helps to maintain vitality and health, loves order in business, because everything should be on the shelves and that's right. Often he teaches others about life.

He does not like displays of emotion. All state bodies are built according to their template, that is, everything is according to instructions. They make good accountants and administrators.

It has a scanner running all the time. He subconsciously identifies strong people, determines weaknesses in a person and knows how to use this information for his own good.

Very executive type, controlling, disciplined. It will succeed where you need to dig deep. A good specialist in a narrow profile.

Appearance of the epileptoid:

  1. Strong constitution, well developed muscle mass. Athletic physique.
  2. A well-defined chin, a strong jaw, possibly thick eyebrows and powerful brow ridges.
  3. heavy look
  4. Short functional hairstyle
  5. Accuracy
  6. Script clothing. That is, if it is customary in a certain place to be dressed in something specific, he will dress that way. Even if the situation turns out that circumstances have changed. For example, the weather is not the same. But he will endure the weather, but he will dress properly.

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the epileptoid:

  1. Restrained
  2. Limited by certain stereotypes
  3. Sharpness with those who prevent him from performing certain functions and distract from the performance of duty

Thinking and speech of an epileptoid:

  1. Clearly focused on action, not empty blah blah. These are the ideal soldiers. In moments of danger, the brain turns off and reflexes turn on. Resolves issues as they arise without panicking.
  2. The individual depends on physiological needs - food, sleep, sex.
  3. Coarse or neutral translational
  4. Clumsiness, clumsiness
  5. Doesn't like to explain

Communication and behavior of the epileptoid:

  1. Responsibility. But if they sit on his neck, he quickly notices this, and gets rid of the manipulator ruthlessly
  2. Subordination, it is difficult to let people into your circle. Very reserved in expressing feelings.
  3. Even aggressiveness is possible to test the strength of a recruit. Thus, weeds out those who do not fit next to him.
  4. Revenge, remembers insult for a long time
  5. Trying to control everything
  6. Can't sell

Emotions, feelings of an epileptoid:

  1. The process of discharge is important, there will be no tenderness
  2. Manipulates a partner


1. Monotonous affairs (accounting, tax accounting, administration)

2. Power structures (army, police)

3. Local level officials

4. Guards



PARANOYAL- is called upon to make a global reform, to transform the world. Able to manage human resources in the name of achieving a great goal. Without pity, without conscience, he will pass over the bones to complete the task.

Unlike the previous type, he knows the goal, but does not know HOW to go to it. But having chosen a direction, he will reach the goal, no matter what it costs him. He inspires and motivates others to carry out their own programs.

Inclined to a Spartan lifestyle, thinks little about health. Often the stomach "flies", thanks to hard work, dedication in the name of an idea.

It is dangerous for him to get help. When he needs it, he will receive debt in the amount that he needs. He has no irreplaceable people. As soon as one person (screw) is worn out, he will replace him with another.

He can easily steal an idea, he is a workaholic, cruel and without rules.

Appearance paranoiac:

  1. Tension, officialdom, as a core.
  2. Commitment to style, depending on your own goal. He carries his idea with clothes.
  3. Status of your own style

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the paranoid:

  1. Total suppression of emotions
  2. Cynical, suspicious look (tense lower eyelid)
  3. Lips become thinner through self-control
  4. Gesticulation motivating, wider than that of an epileptoid
  5. Cutting and stabbing movements
  6. There is an accusation in the speech, very suspicious

Thinking and speech of the paranoid:

  1. Not suggestible. To influence it, it is necessary to destroy the halo of the goal, to introduce a shadow of doubt. Another way is to hint at the transience of life, that he may not have time to complete his mission on earth.
  2. Speech is even, strong, reasoned, inspiring
  3. Knows how to convince
  4. Focused on business

Emotional and sensual sphere of the paranoid:

  1. There is no time for love, he chooses a partner as needed - who is more suitable for business.
  2. Wedding - staging for the right people
  3. Uses partner to achieve own goals, often very cynical
  4. This is a strategist, in partnership, an hysteroid is most suitable for him - he will work as a beautiful screen in his affairs. Either the epileptoid is the executor of his grandiose plans.


1. Lawyer

2. Career growth is important. Seller with the opportunity to become a director

3. Politician

4. High level official

Motto: "The end justifies the means"


EMOTIONAL- man - God's dandelion. He is kind to everything that surrounds him. He wants to harmonize, humanize everything around.

This is a brilliant actor, because he does not dress the role, but lives the life of the hero he plays. They have extraordinary empathy for people, they are very sensitive to any manifestations of lies. But they will never offend a partner with suspicion.

A person does not know how to refuse people, and others take advantage of this. Often the emotive promises more than it can deliver due to the inability to say NO. From this follows his optionality, some things he simply cannot do.

This is the most true psychotype. He will never cheat on his partner, he will wait for him all his life if fate separates them. Often they love unrequitedly, while the other side lives with another partner.

If the emotive one flared up, then he is very worried, tormented by feelings of guilt, etc.

Appearance of emotive:

  1. Dressed with taste, cute, aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, comfortable. The tones are calm and soft.
  2. Women tend to have long hair
  3. No contrasts
  4. Proper facial features

Mimics and pantomimes of the emotive:

  1. Sad, mournful, poignant.
  2. sincerity, naturalness
  3. kindness, honesty
  4. romanticism
  5. Tact

Thinking and speech of emotive:

  1. Reflects premonitions, experiences of the individual
  2. Quiet
  3. melodic
  4. apologetic
  5. Competent
  6. Knows how to listen

Communication and behavior of emotive:

  1. benevolence
  2. Vedomosti
  3. Hyperresponsibility
  4. Shyness, shyness
  5. Patience
  6. Reliability
  7. sacrifice
  8. Inability to say NO
  9. Guilt
  10. Love is a deep feeling
  11. Can't deceive


1. Teacher, educator

2. Nanny, nurse, doctor

3. Psychologist

4. Designer

5. Actor, poet, artist

Motto: "Guys, let's live together"


HYPERTIM- eternal child. Lives to get new emotions, through high social activity.

He lives quickly, immediately enters into communication. This is an emotional addict, he feeds on new experiences, adrenaline. Likes adventure.

Rarely works in one place, on one project. He cares about freedom.

This is the perfect seller as long as there is a sense of novelty

Thinking and speech hyperthymia:

  1. Focus on instant problem solving
  2. Excitedly
  3. Adrenaline, hinge inside
  4. "Simplicity is worse than theft." He can give away sensitive information without thinking about the consequences.
  5. Emotionally colored

Appeal and behavior of hyperthym:

  1. Nothing binding
  2. Orientation to emotions, novelty
  3. Unreliability
  4. Love is like entertainment. Pickup, Free Love - for him
  5. Noisy, restless, like all children
  6. Active
  7. Positive, sociable, adrenaline junkie

Appearance of hyperthym:

  1. Functional (dressed to be everywhere). Dispositions to itself, but it is impossible to put on responsible posts
  2. Some disorder due to haste

Facial expressions and pantomimics of hyperthymia:

  1. moving, bright
  2. Other-Oriented
  3. Fast-paced, full of ideas. It is important to write down these ideas, otherwise the hypertrim quickly switches and gets distracted.
  4. Sweeping
  5. loader


1. Tour guide

2. Teacher, counselor

3. Animator, host at the wedding

Motto: "Oh, grief is not a problem!"


SCHIZOID- strange, "not of this world." They live in their own world, they seem not quite adequate from the point of view of other people. A prime example is Dr. Brown from Back to the Future.

Constantly looking for something new. Not necessarily this new will be practical and necessary, but he is fully involved in the process.

Society does not accept him, he is an object of ridicule. Therefore, often the schizoid withdraws into himself, goes into the virtual world of the Internet. Nobody understands him, so he rejoices and opens up to those who understand him. It is through this channel that it is easy to ingratiate himself with him.

He doesn't understand life. Starting one thing, you can end up with the opposite. A creative person, trying to learn everything, a deep inner world. He does not feel time. It doesn't have to be in order.

Thinking and speech of the schizoid:

  1. Philosophizing
  2. Designing something new that doesn't exist yet. Not necessarily helpful
  3. non-standard
  4. Doesn't know life
  5. Slurred speech
  6. Confusion of the speech algorithm

Communication, schizoid behavior

  1. incomprehensible
  2. Communicates with those who understand him
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. Easily vulnerable
  5. Assimilates stereotypes

Appearance of the schizoid:

  1. Hooded clothing, hood, earmuffs
  2. Something new, out of the ordinary
  3. Untidy
  4. Untidy hairstyle
  5. Strange, it's a white crow
  6. Possible beard
  7. Hands get in the way
  8. Unusual posture
  9. Likes backpacks and big bags

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the schizoid

  1. This is an orchestra in which everyone plays what they want.
  2. He does not understand his size, so he is rather clumsy
  3. Splitting - can be in several processes at once
  4. Complexly structured speech
  5. Does not understand jokes, reacts inadequately


1. Programmer

2. Inventor, if you have the ability

3. Minimal interaction with people



PSYCHASTENOID- an unusually timid and indecisive person. He will talk for hours about empty, uninteresting things in order not to take decisive action. He is more afraid of making decisions than nuclear war. He is terribly suspicious, shy, always afraid for his loved ones, which is able to drive them into a frenzy. An ideal performer, trouble-free at work. What is used by all and sundry.

Appearance of a psychasthenoid

  1. Just in case, meticulously accurate, because he is afraid of trouble. With the help of an impeccable appearance, he tries to neutralize additional fears.
  2. The colors of the clothes are gray, beige. Tries to be inconspicuous so as not to draw attention to himself
  3. He wears the same clothes for a long time, which is why he lags behind fashion
  4. Women hide their hair in a ponytail or bun. They say about such women: "Gray mouse."

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the psychastenoid

  1. Without bright emotions
  2. Extremely indecisive
  3. Often on the face of a frozen emotion of sadness
  4. The movements are minimally sweeping, not brought to the end.

Thinking and speech of a psychasthenoid

  1. Speaks quietly, uncertainly, "eats" the ending of words
  2. stutters
  3. Doesn't use gestures to illustrate speech
  4. When talking, does not look into the eyes, lowers the jaw
  5. Doesn't expect attention from people. And if someone took care of him, the psychasthenoid will remember this for a lifetime

Communication and behavior of the psychastenoid

  1. He never asks for anything because he is afraid of rejection.
  2. Prefers loneliness
  3. Finds a more courageous and decisive person, and voluntarily submits to him
  4. Faithful in friendship, as it is difficult to meet new people


HYPOTHYM- a terribly negative pessimistic type. Also, low self-esteem. Depression is his eternal state. Eternal self-digging brings him to madness.

Appearance hypothyma

  1. He is wary of everyone, takes offense at the slightest provocation for a long time.
  2. In dire need of friends to complain about life, but repels everyone who is around
  3. Makes new acquaintances with difficulty, almost does not start at all

Facial expressions and pantomime hypothyma

  1. Always sad and angry. On the face of the emotion of sadness and anger
  2. Tries to be less visible to avoid possible shocks
  3. Behind the mask of a bore, he can show affection and support to loved ones. But he does not know how to accept gratitude, therefore, after he has helped, he can retire, or even be rude.

Thinking and speech hypothyma

  1. Doesn't like and can't communicate
  2. avoids people
  3. Speech is poorly developed, although it can be well intellectually savvy

Communication and behavior hypothyma

  1. Never expecting anything good
  2. Able to spoil the mood of any person, even the most positively minded
  3. Constantly analyzes his mistakes, even the most insignificant ones. Inflates them to the size of the universe and suffers. Lists himself as a loser, and revels in his torment.
  4. Works conscientiously, treats the results of his work with special criticality
  5. Chooses a profession where he can be in solitude and peace

The motto of the hypothyma is “Not everything is as bad as it seems. Everything is much worse.”


CONFORMAL- a representative of the gray mass of opportunists. Quickly changes his mind as soon as he gets under the influence of a new leader. Always supports the one in whom he sees an authoritative person.

Appearance conformal

  1. As everybody

Facial expressions and pantomime conformal

  1. ingratiating

Thinking and speech conformal

  1. Never have an opinion
  2. Captures the general mood of the crowd well, and vividly voices the general opinion

Communication and conforming behavior

  1. Tries to be comfortable with the one he considers the leader

The motto is "Think like everyone else, do like everyone else, and so that everything is like everyone else."


UNSTABLE- Extremely mobile, incapable of concentration. Absolutely not having his own opinion, and easily falling under the influence of any person.


ASTENIQUE- Extremely tired, painful, suspicious. Unusually capricious, greenhouse flower.

No. 13. LABILE

LABILE- a person with strong mood swings from minor events. Any little thing can piss him off, at the same time, the same little thing brings him into a state of joyful ecstasy.

No. 14. CYCLOD

CYCLOD- a person with cyclical mood swings. Completely unpredictable and unbalanced. The mood changes for no apparent reason. In life, it is very difficult to communicate.


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Such sciences as psychology, sociology, socionics and even computer science are engaged in the definition of different types of personalities.

Each of the presented sciences has its own concepts and classifications for establishing a particular type of personality.

In general, it should be understood that psychological typology is a system of individual attitudes and behavioral stereotypes, formed to explain the difference between people.

Human personality types

After numerous experiments, it became clear that clear demarcations there are no personality types.

To make the most accurate conclusion, you need to know which of the characteristics of personality types dominated in this or that person, and then on this basis one can draw some conclusions.

Classification of people by temperament

Few people know that the founder of the definition of personality types is the famous ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates. Being the foremost physician of his time, he conducted many interesting experiments.

Since Hippocrates was a supporter of materialism, he tried to find a connection between temperament and the amount of content in the body of one of the 4 fluids: lymph, blood, yellow and black bile.

As a result, he introduced 4 main types of temperament:

  • choleric;
  • phlegmatic person;
  • melancholic;
  • sanguine.

According to Hippocrates, yellow bile predominated in the body of choleric people, black bile in melancholic people, lymph in phlegmatic people, and blood in sanguine people.

For obvious reasons, modern medicine cannot take these conclusions of the famous ancient Greek doctor seriously, who left no explanation behind him as to how he managed to identify such patterns.

An interesting fact is that Hippocrates compared with his physical health. He believed that in our body thoughts, the state of organs and are inextricably linked.

In modern medicine and psychology, there is such a direction as psychosomatics. Psychosomatics ("psyche" - the soul and "soma" - the body) studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases. By correctly approaching the solution of this issue, many people managed to get rid of various ailments associated with psychosomatics.

Temperament types

Let's take a brief look at each type of temperament and give it a corresponding description.


Of the 4 personality types, melancholics are the "weakest". They have weakly expressed both inhibitory and excitatory processes, which makes them very sensitive.

Melancholic people can get excited even by something insignificant. They are often depressed and more prone to depression. Among them, one can often meet neurasthenics who carefully hide their emotions.

For this reason, melancholics can develop mental and nervous disorders, which in turn can cause diseases of the liver.


Cholerics by nature are the exact opposite of melancholics. They are unbalanced and firm in nature.

An interesting fact is that people with this type of personality are more likely than others to suffer from liver and gallbladder diseases. They find it difficult to control their emotions, resulting in irritability, outbursts of anger and often rage.

As a rule, choleric people find it difficult to get along with people. They are very impulsive, fussy and mobile in conversations with the interlocutor.


Sanguine people are the most "live" personality type. They are strong, balanced, active and often take the initiative. As a rule, sanguine people are prone to work, as a result of which they are afraid of not being able to do something or making a mistake.

They are demanding not only to themselves, but also to others, which sometimes leads them to stress or depression.

People with this type of personality most often suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are also prone to strokes and heart attacks.


Phlegmatic people belong to the "calm" type of personality. They are distinguished by prudence and balance. They are very difficult to get rid of.

This type of personality is easy to identify in a crowd of people: in the process of any unrest or general panic, they remain calm and try to stay away from ongoing events.

Phlegmatic people prefer not to get upset over trifles, trying not to take everything to heart. Despite this, it is they who suffer from stomach ulcers more often than other types.

Eysenck circle

Social personality types

In sociology, personality types are related to historical, economic, social and cultural events that have a direct impact on them.

Here, as in psychology, you can meet a variety of personality types. According to Max Werber, people must be divided according to their degree of rationality.

Taking into account this factor, there are two types of personality:

  • rationalists;
  • irrationalists.

LOGICS rely on , which helps them come to the truth.

ETHICS adhere to traditional moral norms and concepts. People with this type of personality are keenly interested in creativity.

RATIONALISTS put reason in the first place with principles and traditions established in society.

IRRATIONALISTS try to improve themselves and are constantly striving for innovation. They also have creativity.

SENSORICS try to process information not in time, but in space. They consider it important to receive sensations. They are interested in art and beauty. Sensory people pay attention to the events taking place in the present, but they care little about the future.

INTUITS prefer to get acquainted with different information in accordance with the time, and only then observe how events develop. People of this type are distracted and do not strive for improvement.

Personality types according to Holland's theory

In 1970, an American scientist, psychology professor John Holland developed a theory of six personality types, which has not lost its popularity to this day. Let's consider them.

Personality types in conflict situations

The real essence of a person can be clearly seen only in a conflict situation. In this regard, there are the following personality types:

  • demonstrator man;
  • rigid personality;
  • uncontrollable personality;
  • over-the-top personality.

DEMONSTRATIONERS see life as a theater in which they are actors. They try different ways to get people's attention. An interesting fact is that they are completely indifferent to what others think or say about them, as long as they discuss it.

A person of this type often becomes a provocateur, extremist or instigator of any conflict. Demonstrators are present at rallies and like to participate in some unrest.

RIGID PEOPLE are very suspicious and suspicious. They often come into conflict only because they can suspect someone of something. They have very high self-esteem, so they like to be praised.

It is worth noting that rigid people are grateful to those who show them friendly relations.

TO UNGOVERNED PERSONS It is very difficult to control your emotions and actions. They are prone to open aggression and hostility. In the event of a conflict, they easily lose their temper and can harm not only themselves, but also other people.

SUPER ACCURATE PERSONS differ in care and caution. They have excellent leadership abilities, since they can control not only themselves, but also control the masses. However, such people are very difficult to experience any failure.

An interesting fact is that, along with conflict types exists and conflict-free type. However, this does not mean at all that such people are generally not prone to conflicts.

It’s just that they are especially timid, as a result of which they tend to avoid any unpleasant situations. It is difficult for them to defend their point of view and rights, as a result of which they prefer to remain unnoticed.

So, we looked at the most popular personality types, although there are many more. At the same time, it should be remembered that each person is unique and unique, which, of course, also applies to his individual personality type.

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Since ancient times, attempts have been made to determine the main types of personality. The first classification of personality types by temperament was developed by Hippocrates. There are physical, psychological and psychophysiological personality typologies. Of the psychological typology, the most interesting are psychoanalytic typologies that take into account the deep properties of the personality's psyche and their orientation to the objects of the surrounding world. We will take a closer look at psychological typologies and models that have been used for a long time and have proven their effectiveness in organizational and managerial activities.

Typologies Based on Trait Theory

personality trait

is the tendency of a person to behave in a certain way

Five-factor personality model "Big Five" is one of the easiest to use. In order to obtain an assessment of an employee according to the parameters of the big five, you can use the Goldberg cross-cutting bipolar list. In this model, a person is evaluated according to the following parameters:

  • Openness to new experience. The characteristic reflects an active search for new experience, a favorable and positive attitude towards the incomprehensible, unusual, new. A high score on this parameter is given to active, curious, original employees who have a rich imagination, lack of stereotypical thinking. Low scores - employees with limited interest, stereotyped thinking, mundane, distrust of the new. We cannot say that high scores are always good, and low scores are bad. It all depends on who we are looking for, what position and type of activity in the organization this person is hired for. If we are looking for an employee for the advertising department who will be engaged in promotion and development, then we will not be suitable for an employee who thinks standard and is not imaginative. But, if we need a good performer of routine duties, then a creative and restless employee will not suit us.
  • Consciousness. The characteristic reflects the level of motivation, organization, exactingness to oneself and others. A high score characterizes a person who is purposeful, organized, reliable, accurate, punctual and disciplined. Low score - lazy, careless, weak-willed, careless. In this case, the employer, of course, will be interested in a person who shows maximum consciousness and responsibility. But, sometimes, though unorganized, but creative and talented employee can be very useful.
  • Extraversion. The characteristic reflects the intensity and breadth of interpersonal interactions, the level of activity, the need for external stimulation. Extroverts constantly demand attention from others, these people are sociable, open to new things, ready for quick reactions (easy-going), uninhibited, quick-tempered, optimistic, superficial in the perception of phenomena and people. Introverts live closed, in their inner world, they are serious, uncommunicative, tend to limit external contacts. The manager's mistake can be the appointment of an introvert to a position that requires active contacts with partners, clients, etc. And an extrovert will feel uncomfortable in a closed office, alone, with a lot of papers and documents.
  • Goodwill. This characteristic reflects the attitude of a person towards others. A high score is given to benevolent, trusting, generous, warm-hearted people, and a low score is given to rude, cynical, irritable, vengeful, and suspicious people. It is always nice to have friendly, helpful colleagues in your team, but many modern organizations favor tough, insensitive, ambitious employees, and good nature and gentleness today are often perceived as a weakness.
  • Neuroticism. The characteristic reflects the level of a person's adaptability to emotional instability (stability), reactions to stressful situations. A high score characterizes emotionally restless, insecure, tense, sensitive to failure, a hypochondriac prone to self-blame. A low score is characteristic of a balanced, cold, calm, self-satisfied and incapable of compassion person. If we are looking for an employee for the position of manager, for example, then an important selection criterion will be the candidate's stress resistance parameter.

Personal portrait according to R. Cattell

With the help of a special questionnaire, you can get 16-bit personality profile. R. Cattell took 16 pairs of qualities as a basis, which, in his opinion, best determine the personality traits that exist in everyday life and work. The practice of using this method reflects the presence of a number of stable degrees of manifestation of certain qualities among representatives of various professions. The test is often used in professional selection. The test has existed for more than 50 years and has repeatedly confirmed its reliability.

Cattell identified 16 pairs of qualities by which an individual can be assessed:

  1. closed - sociable,
  2. less smart, more smart
  3. emotional - emotionally stable,
  4. respectful (submission) - independent (dominance),
  5. serious - frivolous,
  6. free from norms - law-abiding,
  7. timid - bold
  8. masculine, feminine
  9. gullible, suspicious
  10. practical, romantic
  11. straightforward - diplomatic,
  12. confident, anxious
  13. conservative, radical
  14. group-oriented, self-oriented
  15. unmanaged - managed
  16. relaxed - tense (table 1)

Table 1 - A set of qualities determined using the R. Cattell questionnaire

Factor Characteristic Degree
1. A Closed (alienation, coldness, loves loneliness, indifference) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Sociable (good nature, openness, attentiveness to people, contact)
2. In Less quick-witted (rigid thinking, concreteness, low verbal culture, slow learning) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 More quick-witted (rapid assimilation of the material, a high level of verbal culture, a tendency to abstract thinking)
3. With Emotionally unstable (mood lability, irritability, frustration tendency, hypochondria, anxiety) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Emotionally stable (lack of nervous fatigue, equanimity, calmness, ability to manage emotions)
4. E Submissive (shyness, submissiveness, ability to take on someone else's fault, passivity) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Dominant (independence, authoritarianism, conflict, struggle for power, self-confidence)
5. F Serious (caution, slowness, accuracy, restraint, pessimism) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Frivolous (enthusiasm, carelessness, impulsiveness, carelessness)
6.G Free from norms (non-compliance with norms, group requirements, laws, inconstancy of principles, goals) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Law-abiding (conscious observance of norms, rules, obligation, faith in law and authority)
7. H Timid (high sensitivity to threat, desire to be in the shadows, timidity) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Courageous (activity, ignoring danger, adventurism, love of risk)
8. I Courageous (realism, callousness, rigidity, independence, firmness) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Feminine (romanticism, craving for attention and patronage, capriciousness)
9. I Trusting (tolerant, cheerful, works well in a group, adaptable) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Suspicious (egocentric, does not work well in a group, reinsurer, distrustful)
10. M Practical (attention to detail, pragmatism, realism, standing firm) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Romantic (impracticality, daydreaming, creative imagination, daydreaming)
11. N Rectilinear (naturalness, simplicity, ingenuity, straightforwardness) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Diplomatic (cunning, sophistication, ability to manipulate people, secularity)
12. About Self-confident (does not feel threatened, composure, serenity) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Anxious (depression, vulnerability, predominance of gloomy forebodings)
13.Q1 Conservative (respect for traditions, stability of views, preferences) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Radical (analytical mind, calm attitude to the new subject to doubt, skepticism)
14.Q2 Conformist (dependence on the opinions of others, the desire to be with the group) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Nonconformist (desire to go your own way, have your own opinion, loner)
15.Q3 Low self-control (internal conflict, inability to control oneself, susceptibility to moods and feelings) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 High self-control (strong control of emotions, feelings, concern for one's reputation, ability to "save face")
16.Q4 Uninhibited (complacency, desire to be content with what is, relaxation, laziness, contentment) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Tense (high goals and ambitions, overmotivated, excited state)

After receiving an assessment of each of the 16 factors, a personality profile of a particular person is compiled and correlated with a typical profile of the profession of interest to us. For example, we select a person for the position of a pilot and highly appreciate the level of knowledge, professional qualities of the candidate, but during testing, such personality traits as emotional instability, frivolity, low self-control, slow reaction, capriciousness, lack of law-abidingness, etc. were found. Isn't it scary to be on board a plane flown by such a pilot?

Another approach to assessment is offered by personality type theories based on the identification of not certain traits, but a complex, a set of traits that logically complement each other.

Accentuations of character according to K. Leonhard

character accentuation

- these are extreme manifestations of the norm, which determine, among others, the individuality of the individual and her behavior.

Accentuation is an overly enhanced personality trait that can turn into a pathological state under adverse conditions. Accentuations of character are manifested both in normal and in traumatic conditions. A person may not be aware of his hidden accentuation, since he has never been in severe stressful situations. Usually we can only guess how we will behave in this or that critical situation. One predominant type of accentuation is quite rare, two or three types are more common. Total K. Leonhard identified ten accentuations:

  1. Hyperthymic type. Elevated mood, a person is energetic, sociable, easy to life and problems, optimistic, but often overly irritable and impulsive. This individual rarely has empathy, other people's feelings and problems do not bother him much. The main thing is to enjoy life.
  2. Excitable type. Human behavior depends on the transfer of one's own internal state to the external environment. In anger, a person commits acts that he later regrets, poorly controls himself. Low level of self-control. This person is hard-working, economic, enterprising, energetic, but intolerant, prone to anger and violent manifestations of emotions.
  3. Emotive type. An emotional person, any event is experienced deeply and sharply. The person is prone to sympathy, unrest, very impressionable and tactful. A person who cries when watching touching melodramas and TV shows, when reading heartbreaking stories. In relation to this type of people, rudeness is often manifested, others take advantage of their generosity and gentleness.
  4. depressive type. Decreased mood background, quiet, pessimistic. Such a person is punctual, responsible, with a developed sense of personality, but inert and passive. It is difficult for such a person to work in a group, he is a hermit who is hard to get along with people, hard to get used to the new. A person who is always preparing for a negative development of events and always waiting for something bad.
  5. neurotic type. It is distinguished by a high tendency to fears and phobias (fear of closed space, heights, fear of spiders, etc.). A person is characterized by disbelief in his own strength and low self-esteem, he often makes an elephant out of a fly. Positive characteristics include friendliness, reliability, commitment, the ability to build good relationships with others, constancy of affection. But this individual is not independent, lacks initiative, is lost in front of everything new. Often, by temperament, this person is melancholic with a weak nervous system.
  6. Affectively exalted type. Lack of restraint in emotions and a quick transition from severe sadness to boundless happiness, while emotions are sincere. Often these are religious people and people in the arts. Such a person often works "for wear" if he does what he loves, and not monotonous work.
  7. Cyclothymic type. This type is characterized by constant instability in mood, emotions and attachments, a rapid transition from a low mood background to an elevated one is characteristic. It is difficult for such a person to work in a team and adapt to someone, he is a loner. Today he can be your best friend, revealing all the secrets and secrets, and tomorrow he doesn’t notice you and passes by, and the day after tomorrow he can say something like: “Why don’t you come to me, we are friends. Did you completely forget about me?"
  8. Paranoid type. A person is characterized by instability of behavior, determined by one or the other "stuck". Often such a person acts as a “fighter for justice” (for equality of rights, for a clean environment, for a world without global corporations, etc.). Such a person is prone to self-sacrifice, vengeful, demanding of others, principled. Often tries to accuse others of an unfair attitude to the world and "is looking for enemies", does not forgive betrayal.
  9. Pedantic type. Maximized propensity for order in the external and internal world, punctuality, reliability, performing tasks according to instructions, accuracy. Such a person will not calmly pass by an unevenly placed napkin and disorder, etc. Also, such individuals are distinguished by tediousness, formalism, checking themselves and others, inability to work in new conditions.
  10. Demonstrative type. Artistry, looseness, high emotionality, the ability to play roles, to be like on stage. Often such people are selfish, insincere, able to avoid responsibility. If, with the affective-exalted type, we are talking about the sincerity of emotions and feelings, then in this situation it is a game of relationships and feelings.

Another well-known personality typology has been developed by a British clinical psychophysiologist. The scientist developed a scale of emotional stability (neuroticism) and linked neuroticism with extraversion - introversion, on the one hand, and types of temperament, on the other (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - G. Eysenck's model

extrovert- this is a socially open person, prone to increasing social contacts, adaptable to the situation, requiring stimulation from the external environment, impulsive and proactive.

Introvert- this is an uncommunicative, closed person, socially passive, immersed in himself, self-sufficient. He tends to perform tasks that require focus, individualism and attentiveness.

emotional stability characterizes a person who is not prone to anxiety, but is able to win over, strives for leadership, is indifferent to the perception of other people's problems, incapable of sympathy.

Emotional instability characteristic of an anxious person, sensitive, obligatory, prone to sympathy, constantly worried about the fate of his loved ones.

G. Eysenck measures the results on scales and forms the result, linking it with the types of temperament.

  1. Choleric(unstable extrovert) - active, restless, excitable, optimistic, touchy, aggressive, impulsive, moody, unstable. Choleric is a fast, impulsive person, able to work with all his might. Such a person is a good initiator of change, a project manager. But because of the explosive nature and temper, the choleric person experiences some difficulties in communicating with the team. He is often offended (but quickly calms down) and offends himself. Choleric seeks to become a leader, but often limits the initiative of colleagues, imposing their opinion, vision and will on them. Cholerics do poorly in painstaking and monotonous work.
  2. sanguine(stable extrovert) - open, cheerful, enterprising, sociable, accessible, optimistic, endearing person. Sanguine people are people with a strong nervous system, they quickly converge with people and gently react to external changes. Often a sanguine person lights up with an idea, and then loses interest in it, often scatters. Sanguine people are good organizers, friendly, enterprising, people are drawn to them (forgiving the failure to fulfill promises), they are the soul of the company. Sanguine people love work that requires a change of pace. They love dynamism, they cannot sit in one place for a long time. They show themselves poorly in monotonous, routine activities.
  3. Phlegmatic person(stable introvert) - reliable, passive, reasonable, prudent, calm, even, peaceful, benevolent. Phlegmatic is a balanced person with a strong nervous system. He is slow, saves his strength, takes a long time to tune in to his task, but then he does everything quickly. It is useless to urge and rush the phlegmatic, he will still work at his own convenient rhythm (slowly, unhurriedly). The phlegmatic is prone to constancy of mood and affection, outwardly he is unperturbed. He does not like to take the initiative, does not want to be disturbed, dreams of being left alone. Phlegmatic people converge quite hard with people, but they become strongly attached to some and are loyal friends. The phlegmatic performs well monotonous, individualized work that does not require speed of action. Dislikes arrhythmic, urgent and dynamic work.
  4. melancholic(unstable introvert) - reserved, uncommunicative, reasoning, sympathetic, quiet, anxious, pessimistic, easily upset. A melancholic is a person with a weak nervous system who reacts sharply even to minor troubles. The melancholic is characterized by increased anxiety, excitability and self-doubt, cannot stand stress, conflict situations, gets tired easily, is quite an offender, but hides his resentment, accumulating negativity (and at some point it comes out, frightening others). In a normal situation, a melancholic is a very responsible, conscientious worker and a good worker. A melancholic can take the place of another person and understand his feelings, he is a “vest” in which you can cry and get sympathy and reassurance. The melancholic is characterized by stability and depth of feelings with their weak external manifestation (keeps everything in himself). The melancholic likes work that is not associated with active communication and eliminates strong stress. He does not like dangerous work that requires important and responsible decisions.

Myers-Briggs Typology (MBTI)

In the 1950s the Myers-Briggs typology (MBTI) was developed, which is interesting and in demand today. The reason for the creation of the typology was the problem of employment of demobilized American soldiers.

This typology is based on the identification of:

  • two different ways to replenish energy and focus: scale extraversion (E) - introversion (I),
  • two ways of collecting information: sensory scale (S) - intuition (N),
  • two different ways of making decisions: scale logic (T) - ethics (F),
  • two ways of interacting with the external environment and the environment: the scale of rationality (J) - irrationality (P).

Initially, 4 main types can be distinguished on a scale of two and three:

  1. – researchers (intuition + logic),
  2. – humanities (intuition + ethics),
  3. – socials (sensorics + ethics),
  4. – practice (sensorics + logic).

Table 2 - MBTI Personality Typology

No. p / p Personality type Personality type characteristic
1 ISTJ - Inspector (M. Gorky) System man. Controls work. Respects subordination. Gets to the heart of the matter. A supporter of strict order. Doesn't like compromise. Collects information well.
2 1SFJ - Guardian (T. Dreiser) Relationship oriented. Divides people into "us" and "them", controls the distance. Knows how to influence others. Demanding of himself and others. Has an intuition for people. Punctual.
3 INFJ - Humanist (F. Dostoevsky) Very observant, feels the relationship between people. Quiet, friendly person. Good intermediary. Has a strong intuition for people. Knows how to build good relationships with everyone. Humanism manifests itself in deeds.
4 INTJ - Analyst (R. Descartes) He is able to express his thoughts convincingly and logically. A person with a developed logic, a strong ability to analyze. Analytic mind. Focused on the task, not on human relations. Rational.
5 ISTP - Master (J. Gabin) Outwardly unhurried and cold. Calm, reserved person. Loves nature, solitude. Not demonstrative. Practitioner. Economic, knows how and loves to make something, build and repair. Caring towards family and friends.
6 ISFP - Intermediary (A. Dumas) It is considered with the conveniences and habits of others. Friendly, optimistic person. Non-conflict. Gets along with everyone. Caring. Surrounds himself with pleasant little things.
7 INFP - Lyric (S. Yesenin) A man of thought, not action. Dreamy romantic. Possesses intuition of time. Focused on the future. Freely disposes of his own and other people's time. Emotional.
8 INTP - Critic (O. Balzac) A man with a strong imagination. Intellectual. Has a philosophical mindset. observant. Vulnerable. Developed intuition. Cautious in making decisions.
9 ESTP - Marshal (G. Zhukov) The main thing for him is the result. Strong-willed, purposeful person. Victory at any cost. Decisive, capable of exerting forceful pressure. Hard worker. The more obstacles, the more collected it becomes.
10 ESFP - Politician (Caesar) Proud of his influence on others. A person prone to manipulating others. Influencing pain points, controls the behavior of others. Feels good balance of power.
11 ENFP - Advisor (Don Juan) Understands the motivation of others. Has a good intuition for people. He sees a lot of virtues in a person and loves to give compliments. Appreciate the talent of others. Able to inspire and encourage.
12 ENTP - Seeker (Don Quixote) Focused on the future. He sees the prospects of new ideas and projects well. Generates interesting ideas. He does what is interesting, not what is profitable. Prone to scientific activity. Has a variety of interests.
13 ESTJ - Administrator (Stirlitz) Decisive, enterprising, boldly defends his ideas. A hard working person. Has a practical mindset. Innovator. Supervises the work of colleagues and subordinates. Fight for quality.
14 ESFJ - Cheerful (V. Hugo) Cheerful, open person. Can cheer up yourself and others. An optimist, instills faith in success in others. Able to emotionally influence others.
15 ENFJ - Mentor (Hamlet) Very emotional, feels the emotions of other people. A serious person focused on global problems. Restless, exacerbates the situation. A good actor or speaker.
16 ENTJ - Entrepreneur (J. London) Sees new opportunities well. A hard worker, work is in full swing in his hands. Knows how to handle finances. Entrepreneurial vein. Mobile. Easily changes the scope of activities.

Knowing what type an employee is, it is much easier to influence his behavior. All people are different and can react in completely different ways to the same management decisions and influences. Knowledge of personality psychology helps to make decisions in relation to employees more flexibly and more effectively.

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We are all very different people. It's even amazing how it is: why we are so different from each other. A very long time ago, psychologists thought that each of us has something that can reveal our character, show our whole worldview, turn our personality inside out. So, even Sigmund Freud put forward his famous theory that the human psyche has a special structure. Following Freud, C. G. Jung was sure that there are some psychological personalities that can be easily recognized if you check everyone. Today we see many characteristics that suit us, tests that test our character. In general, modern psychotherapy is a rather useful thing, but very complicated. Let's slowly understand together what types of personality exist.

Human temperament

Each of us has a temperament, i.e. property of the psyche, which is manifested in any activity. With the help of it, our personality is established, we have a strong or weak character. By the way, a lot depends on temperament. For example, behavior, activity, energy, ability to work, pace and speed of important tasks, emotional background. Also, the following points always refer only to temperament (this is just in case, so that you do not confuse it with character):

  • primary, appears from birth;
  • manifests itself always and absolutely in any sphere of life;
  • manifests itself from the earliest years of life;
  • unable to determine his attitude to the world, i.e. amotivated;
  • in difficult situations it manifests itself quite clearly;
  • builds character.

In addition, temperament is divided into 4 important types:


People belonging to this temperament are very dynamic, active, strong, strong-willed, as sociable as possible, balanced, rarely nervous and amenable to frustration. As a rule, sanguine people rarely worry and generally try to protect themselves from negative thoughts - it’s much easier for them to live this way. If there was a strong loss, an unpleasant situation occurred, then sanguine people do not get hung up on this and find a way out - they distract themselves.

Despite the positive aspects of temperament, there is also a minus: these people are afraid of losing their minds and their normal calm state, stability is everything for them. As for ordinary fear, it is unlikely that sanguine people are generally subject to this. If you notice in the company of people a person who constantly speaks, jokes, laughs the loudest, then rest assured that this is a clear sanguine person. And now about the negative traits of temperament:

  • denial of acceptance of uniformity;
  • sometimes the superficiality of ideas and thoughts is manifested;
  • due to constant activity, there is often poor perseverance of important points;
  • sometimes, sanguine people lack perseverance;
  • too often think first and act later, and vice versa.

Phlegmatic person

A rather cold-blooded type of personality who has an ideal nervous system. Such people are often in no hurry to go anywhere and are unlikely to be active, but in reality they all have time, taking on the imperturbable look of a winner. You will not see from the phlegmatic emotions that "pour" over the edge, a stream of endless experiences.

The temperament is so severe and strong that it is impossible to discern at least some kind of human fear. But there is also a weak side here: it is easier for a phlegmatic person to agree in a conflict with a person than to bend his own line. They are careful about the feelings of other people, and they are even more reverent about their own. If a phlegmatic person does not have a goal and an incentive, then he can easily fall into depression, which, oddly enough, will not be visible on his face, but a whole storm will begin to form inside a person. Negative features include:

  • low mobility and activity;
  • slow decision-making, which should be very fast;
  • unsociable;
  • permanent independence.


Very sociable extroverts. If they feel, then completely and in such a way that everyone knows about it. If they move, then impetuously and sharply. Here you can observe a quick change of mood, which can become either good or bad again in 5-7 minutes. Choleric very easily copes with all the difficulties, knowing how to properly tune himself. But if the situation is out of control, then it is unlikely that a person of this temperament will be able to control himself. By the way, choleric people are clear leaders in everything, they manage to lead people, command them and give instructions. These are ardent lovers to argue and prove their case. And if you have already offended a choleric person, then be prepared for an outburst of rage and temper. Such an explosive mixture! And here are the negative features, of which there are too many (when compared with the positive ones):

  • sharp aggression;
  • erratic behavior;
  • too strong impulsiveness;
  • at times, terrible irritability;
  • rare restraint in public;
  • irascibility.


Perhaps the most sluggish temperament, emotionally unstable, with a shattered nervous system. Very often here you can notice panic attacks, fears, inhibition, inactivity. But there is one amazing plus: melancholic people are always outwardly very calm even in the most stressful situations.

If these people subject themselves to experiences, then only in the depths of their souls. True, if you constantly “bale” yourself with depression, then the state of health is getting worse and worse, here it’s not far from the blues. But, despite all this, melancholic people are incredibly sensitive and cordial people who can support a friend at any moment, give him deep and practical advice, having experienced a difficult situation with him. And if negative traits prevail in this temperament, then it is best to list the positive aspects:

  • incredible manifestation of feelings for others;
  • responsibility and diligence of a serious task;
  • accuracy and punctuality in everything;
  • restraint.

There are no people who belong to a pure temperament. Very often you can find a "mix". For example, if you are active, cheerful, but at the same time you think first and then speak, then most likely your temperament is a sangvo-choleric. Here you already need to proceed from what kind of person you are. Observe yourself and what you manifest to determine your true permanent temperament.

Types of personality in a conflict situation

Life cannot exist without conflicts and disputes that occur day by day. It is simply impossible to avoid a scandal, especially if you are in its epicenter. The reason for the formation of the conflict can be completely different. We offer you a detailed description of conflict personality types in difficult situations.

Rigid type. People who belong here constantly suspect something, do not trust everyone around them. The most terrible fear for the rigid type is to be severely deceived and literally cornered. That is why discretion is an important trait inherent in these people. Very often, rigidity arises from childhood, when parents scold the child for not completing the required things on points. If the baby acted incorrectly, then he begins to internally distrust himself, which leads to the formation of a rigid personality type. Sometimes you can meet those whose self-esteem is too high. It is easy to offend a rigid person by saying something unpleasant to him, or by sharing your criticism. From here begins to arise a constant painful resentment, arrogance, boredom and distrust of the individual.

Unmanaged type. Such people rarely control their actions and almost never plan them. As a rule, an uncontrollable type is characterized by a momentary desire to accomplish something, and if something does not work out, then the person is ready to make anyone else to blame, but not himself. This type is characterized by impulsiveness, lack of rules and norms of behavior, aggressiveness to criticism and comments, a sequence of actions and their clear thoughtfulness. An uncontrollable person very often falls into aggression, has too high self-esteem, rarely finds fault with himself, has almost no control over his own "I" and requires a full return from others. The uncontrollable do not listen to anyone, even their own mind is not a decree for them, all actions occur due to circumstances.

Super precision type. This is the most accurate pedant of all who can be in the world. This person is ready to do his job carefully, scrupulously, attentively, taking into account every detail. The ultra-precise type is people who like to control everything, and if they don’t like something, then expect claims and discontent. By the way, it is annoying pickiness that provokes most conflicts, in which not every person can survive. An ultra-precise personality sets too rigid limits for work for his subordinates, observing every roughness and imperfection. Very often, these people painfully experience their mistakes and failures, attaching great importance to them. Due to constant disorders, health problems are observed, almost always a strong nervous imbalance can be observed. By the way, ultra-precise people love to compare the work done with carefully executed examples. They are always trying to be better, jump above their heads.

Demonstrator type. People who are constantly trying to attract the attention of others, forcing them to think only about them, are real demonstrators. Very often, these can be found on a first date, when it comes to something branched, and a person constantly translates the topic in order to tell something from his life. The demonstrator always strives to be ahead of the rest, making every effort to ensure that people look only at him. This is far from a modest person, but, on the contrary, a very arrogant and cunning person, constantly caring only about his beloved. By the way, such people are unlikely to ever admit their guilt when it comes to a conflict, so you won’t find that the demonstrator will understand his mistake in a quarrel.

Holland's personality types

One of the important and popular American psychologists, J. Holland, put forward an interesting theory that our successes, promotions, results and much more directly depend on the type of personality to which we belong. The fact is that the behavior of each is characterized not only by internal features, but also by the influence of the environment. Based on Holland, a person's personality can be divided into 6 types, which will be discussed below.

  1. Realistic. Very often it is also called "male". This is a rather emotional and emotion-dependent personality type, focused exclusively on the present. Realists are engaged only in those things that are aimed at a specific permanent action. As a rule, this type implies a male type of work: engineer, mechanic, agronomist, physicist, cyberneticist, and so on.
  2. Intellectual. This type is characterized by logic, an analytical mindset, unusual judgments, an original character and train of thought. Intellectual tasks in this case are the most favorite thing that brings pleasure. These people are very active, efficient, constantly studying something, introverts, beautifully tell accurate things. Such fields of activity as mathematics, geology or geography are just for intellectuals.
  3. Social. Refers to those who know how to support a topic for conversation, to bring any person out of the discomfort zone into a conversation. Sociability is an important quality for social personalities. True, there is a very strong manifestation of sensitivity and emotionality. Sometimes, this type of people takes other people's failures and losses so close to their hearts that they become uncomfortable - a sense of empathy is connected to 150%. The areas of activity most recommended for social personalities are pedagogy, psychology and medicine.
  4. Standard. This type is still very often called conventional. Such people constantly plan everything, act according to clearly defined stages, do an excellent job with Putin's boring work, and always adhere to binding rules. As performers, such people are very much in demand, but, unfortunately, they never make leaders. For example, creative projects and cardinal decisions are a real disaster for a standard type of personality. This often includes accountants, financiers, merchandisers and economists.
  5. Enterprising. This is perhaps the only type on the list that is aimed at constant leadership and leadership. Entrepreneurial individuals always try to be one step ahead, go out of their way so that they have everything much better than the rest. Energy, incredible enthusiasm, impulsiveness, activity, clarity and concentration of attention are all characteristics of an enterprising type of personality. This, for example, includes mathematicians, physicists, astronomers, journalists, diplomats. As a rule, such people take criticism in their direction very close to their hearts, you need to be careful in communicating with them.
  6. Artistic. A personality type with an insanely developed intuition and a rich imagination. Such people have a strong manifestation of their emotions, a complex outlook on life. As a rule, artistic personalities always make a balanced and very serious independent decision, they think very unusually and are creative in everything. Rules and traditions are something that no person of the artistic type observes at all. Of course, constant creativity, the humanities and the call of the heart reign here.

Freud's personality types

Well, who does not know Z. Freud? It seems that this man is known to everyone, since even at the university they specially introduce a lesson in cultural studies so that students know about this person. Sigmund Freud was the great founder of the psychoanalytic school, he did a lot for humanity, namely, for the development of the human personality. That is why there are several very important types, which will be discussed below.

  1. oral type. Such people are very dependent on others, on the atmosphere that forms around them. Very often, oral personalities are passively related to the world around them, because if it were not for the support and approval from friends and acquaintances, then one could completely “fade”. But it is not all that bad. There are also good-natured optimists who love to believe people. In addition, the oral type of personality very often rushes to extremes: sometimes insanely generous, sometimes very greedy.
  2. anal type. Stubbornness, stinginess in words, too self-obsessed accuracy and constant punctuality - all this is an anal type of personality. These people love to plan their actions and further trips, think through everything to the smallest detail, do not tolerate chaos in their thoughts and hate disorder. At times, anal personalities are extremely cruel in their decisions towards other people, and sometimes even overly impulsive and prone to panic.
  3. phallic type. Decisive, purposeful, persistent, assertive, self-confident people who love their job very much and constantly improve for this. Many are not averse to boasting, but this only happens if phallic personalities are confident in their actions. This includes love for flirting and coquetry, a constant desire to be in the spotlight.
  4. genital type. Sigmund Freud considers this particular type of personality to be the most ideal, since this person is not afraid of anything and boldly looks into the face of someone who is higher than him. Activity, constant concern for oneself and loved ones, the soul of the company, diligence, an open life position - all this is the genital type. Here it is even difficult to determine the negative aspects of the personality, so the type is ideal.

Personality in socionics

Probably, communicating with people, you noticed that you are much more comfortable with some than with others. Someone is very difficult to talk to you, while others, on the contrary, open up and good-naturedly conduct a dialogue. It is unlikely that at that moment you thought that there are as many as 16 (!) types of personalities in socionics in the world. So, let's figure out together what groups people are divided into in order to learn more about what kind of person is in front of you.

Balzac. An interlocutor who has an insane sense of humor, sometimes black jokes even slip through. At the same time, he is ready to bring everyone around to tears and immediately cheer up. Unfortunately, such people are excessively lazy and are unlikely to do all the work to the end with great care.

Gaben. This includes those who know how to hide behind masks and not show their authentic emotions. Coldness, inaccessibility, closeness, isolation, the inner world of these individuals overflowing with experiences will always be only with them. It seems that a person is in constant balance, at rest, even in some kind of laziness, but all this, in fact, is not so. Such people just try to hold on with all their might, although they are on their own minds.

Hamlet. Absolutely any problem in the life of these people becomes a matter of universal importance. Almost always, these individuals describe their lives in terrible colors, show down and do not see anything good in development. But the Hamlets are very efficient advisers and sympathetic friends.

Huxley. A person who knows how to cheer up in the most difficult moment of life, sociable, very cheerful, the real soul of any company, mobile and restless. Huxley does not always do what he was given, as at first he has enough work, believing that he will do everything, but in the end he does not have time to do anything.

Hugo. An overly emotional person, able to withstand any pressure and intensity of passions. Active, hardworking and very devoted type.

Jack London. Very often these personalities are in some disheveled form, and their gait always betrays them. Jack London is a huge hard worker, constantly overwhelmed with business and will never leave them. Any difficulties on the way are not an obstacle or even a hindrance to overcome them. The person is very positive, romantic and decisive.

Don Quixote. Courageous personalities, incredible strong-willed people. Here, logic is well developed, faultlessness in their actions. Don Quixote will make a wonderful detective or head of an entire company. Very literate people showing sincere and not simulated emotions.

Dostoevsky. People here have a huge and rich inner worlds, with a range of vivid sensations and experiences. True, Dostoevsky is unlikely to show his soul to everyone, except for his circle of close people. An excellent listener, able to empathize with his friends, calm and quiet.

Dreiser. A real psychologist who skillfully knows how to adapt to other people. Dreiser will never show weakness in front of others, even if he is very ill internally. Sometimes such people strike on the spot with their composure in making decisions. Also, Dreisers hate time and hate waiting.

Dumas. Caring, attentive, sharp-tongued personality. They avoid relationships with the opposite sex, for fear of getting burned. These personalities would rather wait and think over the same thing three hundred times before they go to "death".

Yesenin. Dreamy, insanely romantic, unusual, creative and very creative personalities. Yesenin is ready to suffer along with his interlocutor if he is very ill. These people are avid dreamers in life, who want to live in harmony with the world, balanced and versatile.

Zhukov. These people always have their own opinion on everything. There is often complete negativity and irritation here, if there are clues. A categorical type, a real tyrant, but, extremely, a caring family man.

Maksim Gorky. An idealist in everything, even in the smallest detail. A person is constantly focused on the result, sometimes even goes too far in this regard. A kind, sympathetic type, hiding storms in his soul. Such people are often very afraid of offending their loved ones.

Napoleon. Mobile, active people who are constantly striving for their goals. Very often Napoleon becomes a role model, idols for someone. Real ringleaders in the company, and also brilliant people, because they always do everything right.

Robespierre. This is a person who is 100% a fan of his work. Personalities are not interested in anything at all in this life, except for their favorite hobby.

Stirlitz. Excellent memory, insanely developed logic, sober thoughts and impeccable executive functions. True, there are also disadvantages: a cold reaction to some things, an inability to be polite.

Personality types in psychology

  1. Narcissistic. The attitude and approval of these people is very important from others. There is a clear idealization of one's life here, since narcissistic personalities have a complete disdain for the rest. Success, power, ideal love and beauty are all just fantasies. And yet, these people can use people when they please.
  2. Schizoid. These personalities often withdraw into themselves, are rarely open and cannot find a common language with people. But here you can often see a love of philosophy, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a huge attachment to animals.
  3. Paranoid. There is a combination of fear and shame, suspicion and mistrust. Paranoid personalities are very sensitive to their failures, grumpy and selfish.
  4. Obsessive-compulsive. These people often doubt themselves, worry about others. They are also incredible perfectionists, so they are ready to fight for every little thing. Pedantry, stubbornness, and even rigidity are all obsessive-compulsive types.
  5. Hysterical. People like to do everything for show, several times exaggerating their victories. Personalities love to be in the spotlight and constantly emphasize their sexuality.
  6. Psychopathic. Callousness to the feelings of others, cold-bloodedness, only the pursuit of their own interests - all this is a psychopathic personality type. They do not know how to admit their mistakes and generally learn from them at least some lessons.
  7. Depressive-manic. These individuals will consult with someone, even if the solution is too easy and simple. They are easy to manipulate, as they will always be FOR any idea and proposal. Constantly afraid of being alone.
  8. Masochistic. Personalities are constantly preoccupied, are in anxiety and a strong sense of tension. If there are no guarantees for communication and relationships, then it is unlikely that masochistic personalities will start and spin something.

Psychological personality types according to C. G. Jung

Carl Gustav Jung is another great man whose ideas about psychology and the study of personality still excite contemporaries. Here it is best to highlight only the 2 most important types, which many have probably already heard of.

  1. Extravert type. People have an interest in the world, in the events that take place, there is a desire to acquire new acquaintances and friends. High interest in subjects, unknown moments and constant risk - all this is inherent in extroverts. Very often, the type of these individuals can be called "hysterical", since it is this quality that helps them to be in the spotlight and at least somehow draw attention to themselves.
  2. Introvert type. Here comes the orientation to the inner world. People try to stay away, especially when the situation is extremely difficult, and communication generally occurs only if it is necessary and beneficial. Selfish and asocial type. Very often, an introvert falls into some kind of depression, which he does not seek to share with anyone, so as not to show his "insides" and weaknesses.

See how much you can learn about human psychology. It would seem that some type of personality, but how much is in it. Moreover, it is impossible not to agree with what is written. Pay attention to yourself and be sure to watch yourself. It is impossible to mark oneself as a pure type, this does not happen. But you will find out exactly what temperament you have, character, what you are capable of in relationships and friendships.

Six personality types

A person is always more than what he knows about himself.

K. Jaspers

Let's see what the explanation of human behavior can be.

Remember: Behind every act and action of a person is his key psychological need. People never do anything for nothing!

Key need- this is what for a person is the most important, significant and necessary in life, and - from childhood.

Each person has all six key needs, but they are not equally developed: one or two key needs always prevail. For example, positive communication is so important to one person that he sacrifices even the truth for it, agreeing with a deliberately false opinion in order to maintain relations with an opponent, because his key need is communication. For another person, on the contrary, it is important to defend the opinion that he considers true, and he argues to the point of hoarseness, spoiling relations with others, because his key need is knowledge of the truth. The third speaks at meetings to create

respected image, since the main thing for him is recognition. The fourth speaks at the meeting because it is his job to speak.

Needs are situational(appearing quickly and in a specific situation) and permanent(life-long, since childhood). We are now, as you understand, interested in permanent the key psychological needs of a person, that is, those that determine his personality type.

The key psychological needs of people are preserved from childhood and determine the behavior of a lifetime!

Take a look at the little children in the sandbox. One loudly boasts about his cars, the second does not listen to him at all and, stealthily looking around, hides his molds in the sand, and the third roars loudly because he was again not accepted into the general game. The fourth card explains the rules of hide-and-seek to friends. The fifth quietly retells the plot of the new cartoon. The sixth simply silently digs an underground passage, not paying attention to the fact that others constantly destroy this passage.

... And all these children are sitting in the same sandbox! But everyone is driven by their own key need, which lays down their personality type.

If we learn to identify the core need of a person, we can quickly find individual approaches to the most diverse and even the most intractable people.

Key needs of people

Test "Who are you?"

Every person has a sun. Just let it shine.


Please, for each question, choose one of the answer options - the one that suits you best or you like best.

The column or two columns that received the maximum number of responses reflect the dominant personality types for you.

The main characteristics of each personality type

Man has always been and will be the most curious phenomenon for man ...

V.G. Belinsky

Depending on which key need is the most important for a person, he belongs to a certain type of personality.

Personality type is a set of characteristic features of a person, which is explained by his key needs.

Artist: main need - always be the center of attention society and receive recognition, approval, applause.

Sociologist: need - always and with everyone be in a positive relationship, be friends, do not quarrel and do not swear.

Participant: need - don't be lonely, be accepted into human society, to participate in a common cause.

Intellectual: need - solve intellectual problems, to receive answers to intellectual questions, to know the truth.

Pragmatist: need - follow the common order, always act in accordance with the rules.

Controller: need - control the situation, have full information, have power and influence.

Personality types and their key needs (what matters to them)


The key need is recognition.

Artist's Focus his own self: how he looks, how he is perceived from the outside. The uniqueness of the artist lies in the fact that he sees the world as if through himself, through his own state.

Behavior and Appearance: brightness and expressiveness in everything, the desire to stand out from the crowd in appearance, speech, voice, manners. A loud, shocking person who has at least one bright feature in his appearance, occupying all the space at once, requiring special attention.

Image created image: member of the elite, the center of attention.

The goal is to win applause, to get recognition and praise from other people, to be the best. Due to the need to conquer the crowd, the Artist can make a dizzying career, but, once falling ill with "star disease", he begins to behave inappropriately, scaring away those around him and thereby cease to be interesting to them.

The artist is comfortable when he likes himself.

The artist is uncomfortable when he does not like himself: the wrong image, clothes, image, well-being.

Words frequently used by the artist: “This is not prestigious”, “People of our circle”, “I am the best!”, “I demand respect for myself!”, “Do you generally know who you are talking to? ...”, as well as a lot of laudatory words, directly or indirectly pointing to the dignity of the artist.

The impression he makes on other people. From early childhood, it is important for him how he is perceived and what others think about him. Status, respect for others - that's what drives all the actions of this person. With all his behavior, the Artist seeks to make a good impression on others.

Famous sayings of great artists

Philosopher and writer C. L. Montesquieu:

“The desire for fame is common to all people. We seem to multiply our being when we can imprint it in the memory of others.

Philosopher K. Helvetius:

"Competition produces geniuses, but the desire for fame produces talents."

Poet P. Ronsard:

"... the virtues of the living The crowd throws after a caustic word, But the singer - only dies - becomes a god."

Writer S. M. Cervantes:

"An ounce of good fame weighs more than a pound of pearls."

Philosopher R. Descartes:

"Respect for others gives rise to respect for oneself."

Poet A. S. Pushkin:

“It is not only possible to be proud of the glory of your ancestors, but you should; not to respect it is shameful cowardice.

"Burn the hearts of people with the verb! .."

"Love yourself

Dear reader!

Item worthy: nothing

Kindly, it’s true, there isn’t one.”

"Genius and villainy are two incompatible things."

“Oh, it’s easy to deceive me!

I myself am glad to be deceived!

“We honor everyone with zeros,

And units - themselves.

Writer N. V. Gogol:

“There is no word that would be so bold, smart, would break out from under the very heart, would seethe and tremble so vividly, like a well-spoken Russian word.”

“Poets do not come from somewhere across the sea, but come from their own people. These are the fires that have flown out of him, the foremost messengers of his strength.

"The spring of poetry is beauty."

"The theater is such a department from which you can say a lot to the world."

“What are you laughing at? Laugh at yourself!"

Animator, screenwriter and producer W. Disney:

"I'd rather entertain and hope people learn something than educate people and hope they have fun."

"If you can dream, you can make your dreams come true."

Actress and screenwriter I. Bergman:

“Every time I get a good role, it seems to me that it is the last one. And that's why I give it my all."

“It doesn't matter if you're actually crying. It's important that the audience believe that you're crying."

“I have repeatedly seen that many actors and actresses are extremely shy people. When they play, it's not them anymore, it's someone else. Those words that fly out of the mouths of the actors belong to other people».

Actress S. Bernard:

"The great artist is the one who makes the audience forget the details."

"The gesture should reflect the thought, it is harmonious or stupid, depending on whether the artist is smart or not."

Singer A. B. Pugacheva:

“Any woman is always an actress. And if she's a bad actress, she'll lose."

"Maybe I sing more brilliantly in the studio, but when I'm on stage, the audience is more brilliant."

“Seriously, I’m the only star in Russia and in the “scoop”. This is my position."

“I have been married three times and I have always been happy. My husbands were unhappy, because I sacrificed them to the stage.

When an Artist is Dissatisfied with Something, he behaves aggressively and arrogantly, demanding a “special treatment” for himself and stressing his often non-existent status.

Examples of Artist Personality Types

Ostap Bender (Ilf I., Petrov E. "The Twelve Chairs"). A bright, outrageous rogue who, with his expressive speech, was able to create the illusion among the residents of the village of Vasyuki that over time this city will turn into New Vasyuki and become the capital of interplanetary and intergalactic chess tournaments. Vivid romantic dreams of a white suit and Rio de Janeiro are typical signs of the Artist type of thinking.

Khlestakov (Gogol N.V. "Inspector"). Thanks to his posturing, the ability to compose fairy tales about himself (this is an exclusive property of people of the Artist personality type), bright and virtuosic boasting, he managed to convince seasoned and experienced officials that he was a representative of the authorities who had come with a check from St. Petersburg.

Mister Jourdain (Moliere J.-B. "The tradesman in the nobility"). He dreamed of becoming a nobleman and was ready to do everything in the name of this: to dress up in a ridiculous dress, take music, fencing and dancing lessons, get into the most stupid situations and even get the ridiculous title of “mamamushi”, just to improve his social status and gain respect from a higher Sveta.

A lot of bright works of the comic genre built on the outrageous character of the Artist. These are Khlestakov and Ostap Bender, Jourdain and Figaro, Panikovsky; in children's literature - Carlson, Winnie the Pooh, Dunno; in the cinema - Kozodoev ("The Diamond Hand"), Ivan Vasilyevich and Miloslavsky ("Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"), etc.

In classical dramaturgy (commedia dell'arte), the personality type Artist is represented by Brighell's mask: a cunning, bright, quirky, outrageous servant, aggressively and defiantly pushing his way to success (primarily in love), an intriguer and a bully.

The comic side of the Artist's character consists in constant attention paid to “yourself, beloved” more than to the whole world around. An Artist-type character looks funny when he is obsessed with himself and the impression he makes on others, constantly playing and depicting things that are not always true.

An extreme psychiatric form of manifestation of the personality type Artist: hysteria, when the patient resorts to extreme, inadequate forms of behavior to attract attention to himself (tantrums, scandals, inadequately outrageous image, fights).

Ideal Professions for an Artist: combining intensive communication with the audience and the need for self-presentation - an actor, teacher, tour guide, public relations specialist, TV presenter.

Professions not recommended : analyst, specialist in information-analytical, technological and technical fields - that is, specialties aimed not at society, but at documents (numbers) and involving a minimum of public speaking. In these professions, the Artist begins to get bored, experiencing a lack of human attention, and also risks making serious mistakes due to his own dislike of working with “inanimate objects” and excessive absent-mindedness.


The key need is communication.

Sociologist's focus relationships with other people and the level of friendliness in communication.

Behavior and appearance: sociable, positive, optimistic, communicating with people for the sake of communication itself, benevolent, always ready to compromise, flexible, talkative, dynamic, active, talkative, quickly switching to an informal style of communication, delicate and polite, but able to win over very quickly with his unique charm. Likes to look and dress in a way that will please as many people as possible. That is why Sociologists love fur, lace, velvet, silk, accessories, jewelry and simply cute details of the toilet that attract, beckon and dispose people to it.

Target– create and maintain positive relationships with as many people as possible. For the sake of this goal, the Sociologist is ready to sacrifice very, very much, since the friendship and loyalty of those around him are the most important thing in life for him. The desire to maintain good relations with others and make more connections is both an impetus for the development of the Sociologist (he moves up through connections and acquaintances) and the cause of failure (being afraid to quarrel with the enemies of his work, he can ruin a promising project).

The sociologist is comfortable when he feels a positive attitude towards himself around.

The sociologist is uncomfortable when he feels negativity, hostility, hostility from others.

Words Commonly Used by the Sociologist: “We are together ...”, “I am so glad to our communication!”, “Let's come to a compromise”, “We are our own people”, etc.

Friendship, communication, reciprocity, collective, team, mutual assistance, many friends - these are the key values ​​of a person of the Sociologist personality type.

When the Sociologist is Dissatisfied with Something(and this is extremely rare, because Sociologists are optimists by nature), he asks for help, “puts pressure on pity”, appeals to friendly feelings and the conscience of the culprit of the problems. In critical and conflict situations, the Sociologist can behave like a capricious child asking for help, and this role really often helps him solve problem situations.

Strengths of the Sociologist: highly developed social intelligence - almost innate knowledge of who and in what situations to contact, how and with whom to communicate, what approaches to apply to a variety of people to establish contact. Social intelligence, emotionality and intuition always help the Sociologist in difficult situations and help him achieve high goals.

Weaknesses of the Sociologist: an excessive desire to adapt to any person can play a cruel joke with him, leading to a loss of trust on the part of loved ones and acquiring an impartial reputation as a “slippery and unreliable person”. In addition, devoting a lot of effort, time and attention to contacts with people, the Sociologist sometimes does not attach importance to the observance of rules, dogmas, moral principles and other foundations of human stability, which is why he loses the trust of people for whom these foundations are significant.

Famous Sayings of Great Sociologists

Jesus Christ:

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

“And a man shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so that they are no longer two, but one flesh.”

“Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you…”

Philosopher Cicero:

"Without true friendship, life is nothing."

“In the world there is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship; excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight.

"Neither water nor fire we use as often as friendship."

“Love is the desire to achieve the friendship of one who attracts with his beauty.”

Omar Khayyam:

“And with a friend and an enemy, you must be good!

Who by nature is kind, you will not find malice in him.

Hurt a friend - you make an enemy,

Embrace the enemy - you will find a friend.

Aesop the fabulist:

Gratitude is a sign of nobility of the soul.

Critic and publicist W. Hazlitt:

"We love friends for their shortcomings."

Humanist scientist E. Rotterdam:

"Language is the best medium for establishing friendship and harmony."

Philosopher Confucius:

“For the people, philanthropy is more necessary than fire and water. I saw people die from fire and water, but I did not see anyone die from philanthropy.

“To control oneself so as to respect others as oneself, and to treat them as we would like to be treated, that can be called the doctrine of philanthropy.”

Poet M. Virgil:

“Love conquers everything, and we will submit to its power.”

Playwright B. Shaw:

“Love is too great a feeling to be only a personal, intimate matter for everyone!”

Examples of Sociologist Personality Types

Manilov (Gogol N.V. "Dead Souls")- positive, friendly, mannered and courteous - to the point of self-abasement. Uses diminutive words. Kisses everyone. Any dialogue with him is built on mutual compliments and helpfulness. The main things for Manilov are relationships with other people and gaining friendship with them.

Olga Semyonovna (Chekhov A.P. "Darling"), with all her heart ready to establish the warmest and most positive relationships with a wide variety of people (in this case, mostly men), gentle, affectionate and courteous.

Vasily Terkin (Tvardovsky A. "Vasily Terkin"), who with his sociability, optimism and cheerful, "unsinkable" energy, he helped his comrades survive in the most severe moments of being in the war, and even at the moment of his own death he retained his cheerfulness and optimism.

Heroes of the plays by Lope de Vega: cheerful and efficient servants of their masters who find compromises, woo their masters, connecting them with their loved ones, help them get out of difficult situations thanks to social flexibility, sociability, goodwill and well-developed social intelligence.

In fiction, dramaturgy personality type A sociologist is most often a supporting character (a friend of the protagonist, a representative of society), striving to reach a compromise in everything, to reconcile the warring parties.

In classical dramaturgy (commedia dell'arte) personality type The sociologist is represented by the Harlequin mask: direct, sociable, ingenuous, lover of women, sincerely talking about his failures.

Extreme psychiatric form of manifestation of personality type Sociologist: clinical euphoria, when the patient is inclined to the idea of ​​universal love and sectarianism, including religious ones.

Professions in which a Sociologist personality type person will be successful: those whose goal is to establish and maintain positive social relationships: a teacher, a therapist, a kindergarten teacher, an event organizer, a psychologist, an HR specialist in organizations, a seller, a merchandiser, a public relations specialist, a middle manager .

Professions not recommended: professions in the documentation and legal, accounting and computing fields. Sociologists are usually very superficial, do not like to delve into details, often digress from documents, which can lead to irreparable mistakes. The high emotionality of Sociologists makes it difficult for them to maintain the composure and discipline that are necessary in professions related to document management and calculations.


The key need is not to be rejected, but accepted by human society.

Two phases of the emotional state - manic and depressive - are characteristic a person of type Participant. In the manic phase, the Participant suddenly takes off, sets himself the most unattainable goals and rushes to realize them at any cost. Following the manic phase, a depressive phase occurs, when a person decides that no one needs him, and falls into a depressive, depressed state. In a depressed state, the Participant is indifferent to everything that happens around, mopes, looks painful, suffers and worries. It is interesting that, being in a depressed state, the Participant does not want to get out of it at all, giving the impression of an emotional masochist: he tries to enjoy the feeling of loneliness, finding philosophical and existential insight in it. Expressive works of art created by a talented Participant can be the result of such an insight, if there is an appropriate level of giftedness.

Targetunderstand your degree of loneliness; depending on the mood, make sure and prove to yourself that he was either “left alone again, useless and uninteresting”, or still not forgotten and involved in the general process. This goal is the source of both life successes and failures of the Participant. The desire to escape from loneliness stimulates the Participant to make a successful career. In addition, in a depressed state, a Participant's personality type may aggravate creative sensitivity, as a result of which he creates unique works of art (there are many great artists, poets and musicians among the Participants). On the other hand, the manic phase of the Participant's mood can lead to devastating effects.

Behavior and appearance: prevailing pessimism (periodically manifested in heavy irony), sharp mood swings from extreme sadness and depression to active enthusiasm and a thirst for activity. The participant is often invisible, nondescript, merging with the environment, not standing out from the background of other people. Somewhat nervous, impetuous, sometimes abrupt in movements and judgments. From the outside, the Participant seems to be a very sensitive, vulnerable and neurotic person. He is often a heavy smoker with a hoarse quiet voice, cold hands, frequent coughs, a tendency to spleen and regular colds. He dresses inconspicuously and inconspicuously, prefers dark colors. Often chooses black for clothes.

In the manic phase:

– The participant is satisfied when society did not reject him, but accepted him, involved him in his affairs and tasks;

– The participant is unhappy when society rejected him, ignoring and not paying attention to him, leaving him alone. Here as a reaction and a form of defense the depressive phase.

In the depressive phase, everything happens the other way around:

– The participant is satisfied when society rejects it. It was then that he, like in a warm, viscous swamp, plunges into his feeling of loneliness. In this state he suffers and creates;

– The participant is unhappy when society tries to break his loneliness, to accept and involve him in its social process. "Let me suffer!" - then the real Participant is ready to exclaim. That is why it is extremely difficult to get a person out of a state of depression.

Words frequently used by the Participant: “You won’t understand me anyway”, “Everything is useless!”, “I don’t need anyone”, “I don’t need anything from you”, “I’m not interested in anything in this life”, and other words and expressions that detect depressive participant state phase.

The most important thing for a person of this type– determine the degree of your loneliness and experience deep, strong feelings. This tendency can be called "sensual alcoholism." Members like to invent reasons for themselves. for suffering. Hence - the emergence of overvalued ideas about the need to save humanity or raise the culture of the country. Unrequited love and suffering from it for many years without confessions and attempts to somehow embody it in real life are typical manifestations of the Participant personality type.

When a participant is dissatisfied with something he falls into a depressed state. Manifestations range from complete bodily petrification to silent tears.

Examples of People with a Personality Type Member. The participant's personality type underlies traditional ideas about the Russian character, in which a combination of unrestrained fun and classic Russian melancholy lead the "Russian hero" to unexpected philosophical insights and existential discoveries. The tendency to longing and despondency is traditionally associated with the depth and unpredictability of character, which is usually attributed to the Participant personality type.

Famous sayings of great Participants

Poet J. G. Byron:

“When alone, a person often feels less lonely.”

"Drying one tear is more valor than shedding a sea of ​​blood."

“If Laura were Petrarch’s wife, would he write sonnets to her all his life?”

"If we were to call all things by their real names, Caesar himself would be ashamed of his glory."

"Of all the paths that lead to a woman's heart, pity is the shortest."

Writer-philosopher P. Coelho:

“I heal wounds! Time said...

- I'm chained to the ground! Prejudice replied...

- I cover! Happiness replied...

- And I hurt, lift to heaven, and then throw to the ground! - Love smiled slyly.

"The future is revealed to man for one reason only: if what is destined to be changed."

Writer J. Sand:

“A lonely person is only a shadow of a person, and whoever is not loved is lonely everywhere and among all.”

Public figure S. Chamfort:

“We are happier in solitude than in society. And is it not because alone with ourselves we think about inanimate objects, but among people - about people?

Writer A. S. Green:

“Loneliness is a cursed thing! That's what can kill a man."

Philosopher A. Camus:

“The misfortune of the artist is that he lives not quite in a monastery, and not quite in the world, and he is tormented by the temptations of both lives.”

Sculptor, painter and poet Michelangelo:

"Art is jealous: it requires a person to give himself entirely to it."

The founder of scientific materialism K. Marx:

"To be sensual is to be suffering."

In classical literature, the Participant type comprehensively presented in all the plays of A.P. Chekhov. "Uncle Vanya", "The Cherry Orchard", "Ivanov", "Three Sisters" from the first to the last page are filled with characteristic characters who can be called Participants. In these works, the suffering representatives of the Russian intelligentsia and aristocracy reveal to the reader this type of personality from all sides: from depressive (when they fall into self-flagellation and reach suicide) to manic (when they are suddenly imbued with a completely utopian idea like “we will work hard, and then a new , happy life"). A.P. Chekhov very accurately and subtly reflects all the details of the character of the participant’s personality type: doubts, depression, enthusiasm, insights and brilliant spiritual insights.

The work of F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" shows us the classic problem of a representative of the type of personality Participant, which is Raskolnikov: he commits a crime in the manic phase, but in the depressive phase that follows, he encounters a number of severe internal conflicts that develop into external conflicts.

In children's stories an example of a classic participant is the donkey Eeyore (Miln A.A. "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All"), whose hallmark was eternal whining and depressive complaints about life.

In classical drama personality type The participant is represented by the character Pierrot: the eternal "loser", sad, lonely and misunderstood by anyone, sad and always in love unrequitedly.

Tragedy - here is a theatrical genre where the participant's personality type becomes the central character. Only such typical representatives of this type of personality as Hamlet, King Lear, and other deeply tragic heroes of W. Shakespeare are able to reflect the tragic rethinking of being in the air of the era and the inevitability of a fatal death.

Extreme psychiatric manifestation of personality type Participant: manic-depressive psychosis, when both the manic and depressive phases are exacerbated to a pathological level and threaten with socially dangerous actions (violence) or deep depression up to suicide.

Professions in which a person of personality type Participant will be successful: artist, musician, composer, writer, poet, as well as a specialist in any intellectual and spiritual direction, associated with creativity and search.

Professions not recommended: requiring leadership and organizational potential and high responsibility for the result - high-level managers, specialists whose work takes place in stressful conditions, situations of risk and the need to make decisions quickly, as well as specialists who are at risk of receiving a negative charge from others - actors, sellers. Being extremely sensitive and vulnerable, Participants often fail to cope with such professional tasks as managing and resolving conflict situations. Participants struggle to take responsibility and show initiative. Due to frequent mood swings, it is difficult for them to bring the matter to the end.


The key need is knowledge.

Targetget to the bottom of the truth find answers to interesting intellectual questions, solve an interesting problem. The difficulty of the task often does not frighten, but attracts and activates the Intellectual. In achieving his intellectual goals, he is always stubborn and, sometimes, apart from these tasks, he is not interested in anything and does not notice anything.

Behavior and appearance: quiet, laconic, often withdrawn, abiding in his own thoughts. The movements are rather slow. Gestures are sparse or absent. Often shackled, enslaved, awkward. Likes to ask questions. It gives the impression of a person "not of this world." He is dressed discreetly, but at the same time he always stands out from the society with emphasized unsociableness and closeness. The intellectual creates the feeling that he opposes himself to society, as if hinting at what he knows and understands the most. By this, the Intellectual can cause a negative reaction of the interlocutors and, as a result, the aggravation of social conflicts.

Intellectual type specifics: strong side - thinking and problem solving, weak side - everything related to communication and society.

Famous Sayings of Great Intellectuals

Poet, writer and translator B. L. Pasternak:

“But the fact of the matter is that for centuries man has been raised above the animals and carried up not by a stick, but by music: the irresistibility of unarmed truth, the attractiveness of its example.”

"Consciousness is a poison, a means of self-poisoning for the subject who uses it on himself."

Poet-philosopher R. M. Rilke:

"Any simple problem can be made unsolvable if enough meetings are held on it."

Philosopher J. Bruno:

“The peculiarity of a living mind is that it only needs to see and hear a little so that it can then think for a long time and understand a lot.”

“Usually those who lack understanding think they know more, and those who are completely devoid of mind think they know everything.”

Philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus:

"Everything flows, everything changes".

“Trust in unreasonable sensations is the property of coarse souls.”

"Out of diversity comes perfect harmony."

"Multiple knowledge does not teach the mind."

Philosopher-mathematician Pythagoras:

"Investigate everything, give reason the first place."

“To reason alone, as a wise guardian, should be entrusted with all life.”

Writer N. V. Gogol:

“Reason is an incomparably higher ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions.”

"You have to be honest with words."

“Through suffering and grief, we are destined to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books.”

“The higher the truths, the more careful you need to be with them: otherwise they will suddenly turn into commonplaces, and they no longer believe in commonplaces.”

“No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person.”

Philosopher Cicero:

"To live is to think."

Philosopher R. Descartes:

"I think, therefore I am."

Philosopher F. Bacon:

"Knowledge is power, power is knowledge."

Poet O. Khayyam:

“For many years I pondered over earthly life.

There is nothing incomprehensible for me under the moon.

I know that I don't know anything! -

This is the last truth I have discovered."

Philosopher D. Diderot:

“Knowing how things should be characterizes an intelligent person; knowing what things really are characterizes an experienced person; knowing how to change them for the better characterizes a man of genius.”

Intellectuals are more interested in information(sign) rather than live communication with people. The Intellectual spends most of his time alone with books, a computer and other sources of specific information. An Intellectual can reduce even communication with people to obtaining specific factual, numerical and detailed information about something that is of intellectual interest to him. People for the Intellectual are not an end in themselves, but only a means of obtaining certain information. The intellectual is interested in deep specialized questions, often not related to specific pragmatic life goals.

The intellectual is pleased when he found an answer to a question that was of interest to him, solved a problem that tormented him, or found an interesting problem that was difficult to solve.

The intellectual is dissatisfied when he is deprived of the opportunity to seek and find answers and solutions, or when life does not set him interesting tasks.

Words frequently used by the Intellectual: “This is interesting!”, “We need to think”, “I analyzed and came to a conclusion”, “Explain why?”, “I want to understand”, etc.

The most important thing for a person of this type– seek and find answers and solutions.

When the Intellectual is dissatisfied with something, he is more often silent, stops communication (if any), leaves the game, tries to get away from the problem. Care options for the Intellectual: physiological care; sleep and mental care; solving new problems, searching for new solutions.

Examples of people of the Intellectual personality type. People who devote their whole lives to intellectual research not for the sake of fame (as an Artist personality type) and not for the sake of communication (as a Sociologist personality type), but to get answers to their questions. There are many scientists, writers, philosophers, spiritual thinkers, developers of intellectual products among the Intellectuals.

In classical literature, the Intellectual type less common than other types. This is due to the social passivity of the Intellectual and, as a result, the insufficient artistic expressiveness of his character. Characters of this type of personality are found among the heroes of deep philosophical works, the theme of which is the opposition of the depth of the human spirit to the superficiality and frivolity of social society. Among such writers are V. Nabokov (an example is Luzhin's Defense; the chess player Luzhin is a strongly manifested type of Intellectual with pathological tendencies), F.M. Dostoevsky ("The Brothers Karamazov", "The Idiot"), A.S. Griboedov (“Woe from Wit”, where Chatsky is a classic Intellectual, opposed to a superficially corrupt society; as a result of this opposition, Chatsky is recognized as crazy).

An extreme psychiatric form of manifestation of the Intellectual personality type: schizophrenia, when a person, having complicated thinking and having a tendency to inadequate deepening of intellectual issues, has serious problems in the field of communication with society, emotions and any interpersonal interactions.

Professions in which an Intellectual personality type will be successful: researcher, scientist, analyst, system development specialist.


The key need is order (observance of order and rules in everything).

Targetset rules for yourself, follow them yourself, and see to it that others follow them. Rules and order for the Pragmatist above all. It is uncomfortable for him to live and work in unpredictability, instability, uncertainty. A pragmatist needs a system, structure, order and rules of work, then he is comfortable. The pragmatist is willing to dig into the details many times, checking and rechecking the information in order to find out if it conforms to the rules.

Behavior and appearance: does not stand out against the background of other people: he is dressed and behaves average. Always gives the impression of a normal, ordinary, adequate, realistic and down to earth person, standing firmly on his feet. Slow, constantly focused on something, observant in relation to details, able to notice the little things and draw global conclusions from them. He enjoys working with details and trifles, checking and rechecking.

Specifics of the Pragmatic type: a person who relies in his life not on abstract constructions (like the Intellectual), but on specific material values. The main thing for him is stability and order in everything. The weak side of the Pragmatist is that, being successful in a stable and understandable environment, he is completely lost in non-standard situations that require a quick creative reaction. The pragmatist reacts very negatively to everything new, when quick actions “not according to the rules” are needed, when everything needs to be decided not by written contracts, but by personal contacts. The pragmatist experiences difficulties in the creative process when it comes to generating non-standard ideas. A pragmatist is a reliable keeper of an already created system, but not a creator of a new one. The strength of Pragmatik is economic and practical reliability in maintaining the stability of systems and structures. The weak side of the Pragmatist is the fear of changes and new projects, which is why - the low level of his creative potential.

Typical activities of the Pragmatist: maintaining and strengthening the existing system based on established and prescribed rules. Working with details and a lot of small data: verification, reconciliation, the implementation of verification mathematical operations. Detailed provision of the material base for various types of activities.

The pragmatist is happy when he learned the rules, established and maintained order, and made sure that everything was "going according to plan and in accordance with the standards", tasks were clear and understandable.

The pragmatist is unhappy when the system collapses, innovations appear, previously established rules are not observed, the environment is unpredictable, the situation is unstable, the tasks are not clear.

Words Commonly Used by the Pragmatist: “Where do you have this written?”, “Why is this not in accordance with the rules?”, “It is necessary to check everything!”, “This is unreasonable and does not correspond to the generally accepted opinion”, “Where can I find materials on this topic?”, “How much specifically?" and so on.

The most important thing for a person of this type- a system of compliance with rules and order.

When the Pragmatist is Dissatisfied with Something, he calls everyone to order, demands the fulfillment of obligations, begins to “dig into” documents and contractual agreements, threatens with administrative and legal measures, is prone to litigation, and is vindictive.

Examples of Pragmatic Personality Types. Law and accounting are the areas where pragmatists are the most, and it is specialists of this type who are the most successful lawyers and accountants. Pragmatists are the people on whom the “material world rests”: it is thanks to their meticulousness and exactingness in trifles that the world maintains stability. Business as a sphere of human activity mostly consists of people of this type.

Famous Sayings of the Great Pragmatists

Commander A. V. Suvorov:

“The vigil of the chief is the best calmness of subordinates. His perspicacity overcomes the unexpected.

"Without virtue there is neither glory nor honor."

"Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and disinterested in your actions."

"The war is over only when the last soldier is buried."

Playwright J.-B. Molière:

"Grammar commands even kings."

"Prudence enlightens, but passion blinds."

“Virtue is powerless to fight slander.”

“Virtue is the first sign of nobility, I attach much less importance to names than actions.”

"A bad life leads to a bad death."

Philosopher Xun Tzu:

“Relying on the laws and also understanding their provisions is the only way to achieve agreement.”

Writer G. Fielding:

“Along with state laws, there are also laws of conscience that make up for the omissions of the legislation.”

Philosopher Cicero:

"Knowledge of the laws does not consist in remembering their words, but in comprehending their meaning."

US President T. Roosevelt:

“There is no man above or below the law; and we must not ask a man's permission to require him to obey the law. Obedience to the law is required by right, and not begged for as a favor.

Poet Ovid:

“Laws are given for this, to curtail the power of the strongest.”

Writer S. Zweig:

“Only the full truth is good. A half-truth is worth nothing."

In classical literature, the Pragmatic type over time, it changes its location from a character of the third plan in the literature of the 19th century (merchants, owners of houses, holders of commercial establishments, like Famusov in "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboyedov) to the main character of modern literary works, which is associated with growing pragmatization and commercialization of our society. The beginning of this trend can be traced back to A.P. Chekhov in the work "The Cherry Orchard", which clearly reflects the image of Lopakhin - a wealthy clerk who allowed himself to buy the estate of his impoverished masters, because he had the appropriate funds. All modern literature and cinema quite clearly demonstrate a new commercialized value system, where material gain and compliance with commercial agreements come to the fore, leaving far behind love, friendship and honor (lyrical-romantic values ​​of such personality types as Artist, Sociologist and Participant).

Even the heroes of modern children's cartoons are mostly Pragmatists: Shrek, Uncle Scrooge from "Duck Tales", even the heroes of Russian folk tales in a modern interpretation ("Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent") reveal very charming and not devoid of direct humor features of quick-everyday material pragmatism.

In dramaturgy Pragmatists are often used in tragedies - like a punishing finger (Claudius in Hamlet), in comedies - as amusing greedy hoarders who, trying to follow the rules, are deceived by clever rogues. A typical example is Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov in the work "The Twelve Chairs" by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.

At the commedia dell'arte The Pragmatic personality type is represented by the masks of Pantalone and the Doctor, which depict law-abiding citizens seeking pleasure, but because of the fear of breaking the rules and the awkwardness of being always deceived by the dodgers Brighella and Harlequin.

An extreme psychiatric form of manifestation of the Pragmatic personality type: epileptoid syndrome, characterized by long-term "stuck" in the details and rules and the desire to expose those who "do not live by the rules" and "does not correspond to traditions."

Professions in which a person of the Pragmatic personality type will be successful: lawyer, accountant, merchandiser, marketing analyst.

Professions not recommended: requiring a creative approach, associated with behavior in non-standard situations and implying a wide variety of contacts, without stability and following the same rules.


The key need is control and power.

Targetprotect yourself through control, have all the information, manage the situation always and under any circumstances. The controller is afraid of losing control of the situation, not getting information or being defeated by someone. The controller always consciously or subconsciously not only opposes himself to the world around him, but also puts himself above all other people, believing that, due to some kind of privilege, he has the right to access special - exclusive - information, control over all people and manage all processes. Influence and power are the objects of the Controller's most ardent desire.

Behavior and appearance: Controllers in a conversation often take on the mysterious appearance of conspirators, they can deliberately lower their voices, exchanging "secret information". The Controller prefers clothes and accessories exactly those that are a sign of power and status: expensive items of elite and status brands, jewelry, which are distinguished by special luxury and wealth. Controllers wear jewelry and accessories not so much to decorate themselves as to protect themselves. Protection for the Controller is both a prestigious accessory (“You can’t touch me, I’m rich and powerful”), and a specific talisman, a charm made on the basis of occult knowledge. Controllers, like no other type of personality, often wear talismans and charms around their necks, arms, wrists, or simply sewn into the lining of their clothes. In relation to most people, they behave coolly, stiffly, emphasizing their own elitism and maintaining a distance. Close and truly friendly communication is rare for Controllers: they usually maintain it with one or two people from their inner circle, preferring the most useful to themselves and closed to the rest of society. Outwardly they are cold, closed, secretive, at times they portray increased courtesy to the interlocutors (so as not to arouse suspicion).

Specifics of type Controller: The strengths of the Controller are the ability to achieve a goal, patience, the ability to wait, excellent political skills, strategic thinking, the ability to develop successful strategic plans and anticipate results, the ability to convince people by influencing them (sometimes suggestively), purposefulness. Weaknesses of the Controller: arrogance (which puts serious socio-psychological restrictions), obsession with a certain idea without trying to look at it from other sides and rethink it, strong concentration on issues of one's own security, reliability of information, one's own power and status. If the strengths help the Controller to achieve very high success in developing his own career, then the weaknesses, on the contrary, hinder his success, sometimes leading to what the Controller most fears - loss of control over the situation and complete impotence.

Typical activity of the Controller: creating a system and structure of power, inventing a new order and controlling information for the purpose of their own security and control over the situation.

The controller is happy when he is in full command of the information and in control of the situation.

The controller is unhappy when he does not have complete information and the situation gets out of control.

Words frequently used by the Controller: Controllers like to ask questions and don't like to answer them. Their phrases and expressions: “There is important information”, “Why didn’t you inform me?”, “You need to be alert!”, “Keep me informed!”, “I have a few questions for you”, “Who responsible for this?”, “Why didn’t you inform me in a timely manner?” etc.

When the controller is unhappy with something, he is very offended by specific individuals and demands their punishment up to serious reprisal. The controller has a tendency to always look for someone to blame, even when they don't want to. The specificity of this type of personality lies in the fact that he is always convinced that there is some kind of “conspiracy”, “intrigues of enemies” and “the presence of opposition”.

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